News Around the Republic of Mexico | May 2008  
European Union Supports Mexico's Fight Against Crime
Presidencia de la República go to original

| During his address, President of the European Commission José Manuel Durao Barroso (L) offered the Mexican government his support, together with his collaboration in coping with organized crime. | | Mexico City - There will be no going back in our fight against crime, declared President Felipe Calderón.
 Criminals will fail because Mexico has solid institutions.
 President Felipe Calderón stated that his government will continue with the national strategy against organized crime and will not turn back for any reason.
 "Those who insinuate that government will turn back in this strategy are those who want us to abandon journalists, citizens, businessmen, farmers and young people to their fate at the hands of criminals," he declared.
 During a press conference, during which he was accompanied by President of the European Commission José Manuel Durao Barroso, the president urged all sectors of society and government to support the fight against crime.
 "We won't join the abandonment, cowardice or complicity that allowed Mexico to reach this situation and "Ya Basta" is a call to everyone, with no exception," he added.
 President Felipe Calderón said that the crime-fighting strategy will yield results in the long term, which will involve time, money and loss of life.
 "But it is a fight we must wage until we are victorious and we will not rest or give up until we see our country, children, young people and Mexicans of the future freed from the grip of crime our country is suffering," he explained.
 During his address, President of the European Commission José Manuel Durao Barroso offered the Mexican government his support, together with his collaboration in coping with organized crime which, he said, goes beyond borders.
 "What I can say on behalf of the European Union is that we acknowledge the gravity of the situation and the need to use all the instruments available to the rule of law in the struggle against drug trafficking and organized crime," he added. | 
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