News Around the Republic of Mexico | May 2008  
Mexican Navy Arrests Fishing Vessel for Illicit Fishing
Presidencia de la República go to original
 Mexico City - Naval personnel arrested a fishing vessel yesterday for allegedly illegally fishing in Yucatán during routine surveillance operations.
 This occurred when Mexican naval personnel patrolling the area approximately 6 nautical miles north of the port of Chicxulub observed a smaller boat returning from a fishing trip which, on noticing the navy’s presence, attempted to flee, as a result of which it was pursued. When the naval personnel caught up with the boat, they noticed that the crew were throwing their catch, presumably sea cucumber, into the sea. Navy personnel immediately proceeded to inspect the smaller vessel, named "Rigel."
 Aboard the boat were three crew members, who lacked the appropriate documentation, but no signs of their catch, all of which they had managed to throw overboard. All that remained was the diving equipment they had used and forbidden fishing tackle.
 The fishing vessel was subsequently towed to the Ninth Naval Zone in Yucalpetén, Yucatán, where it was placed under the supervision of the Navy Command and handed over to SAGARPA due to its contravention of the Federal Law of Sustainable Fishing and Aquiculture, since it had been fishing without the appropriate concession and permits.
 Source: Media and Communications Office. Naval Secretariat (SEMAR). | 
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