Americas & Beyond | May 2008  
Kidnap, Ransom and Extortion Respons
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| Record number of kidnappings reported in 2007 | | The number of reported kidnappings of local San Diego residents in nearby Mexican cities doubled during 2007 from the previous year to a record 26 kidnappings according to the FBI San Diego Office.
 Kidnapping for ransom and extortion is increasingly more common, especially in nearby Mexico, where several executives have been kidnapped during the past few months. Kidnapping is also a risk for family members. Although impossible to completely eliminate the risk, there are preventative measures companies can take to protect their employees:
 • Acknowledge the threat. • Conduct a risk analysis, a thorough assessment of the individuals at risk, the geopolitical environment and the possible hazards they may face. • Use the results of the risk analysis to develop a risk management strategy, which generally includes creating a contingency plan, purchasing quality insurance coverage and hiring executive protection professionals.
 In the event of a Kidnapping, families and employers should:
 • Regain composure and emotions. • If the kidnapper initiates contact, get as much information as possible. • Make the kidnapper aware of any special medical conditions the victim may have. • Do not make any demands, threats or promises. • Create a crisis strategy.
 If you become a kidnapping victim:
 • Remain calm. • Be alert. • Assess the situation thoroughly. • Do not antagonize the abductor. • Do not make any promises on your end. They may conflict with the response team's negotiation.
 Kidnapping for ransom can be quite costly and even life threatening. However, through acknowledgement, planning and preparation; executives, their families and employers can reduce the chances of it from ever occurring as well as improve the odds of survival in the unfortunate event that a kidnapping does occur.
 About Universal Protection Service: Founded in 1965, Universal Protection Service (UPS) combines an innovative mix of tradition with cutting edge systems and technology to keep pace with the ever-evolving needs of today's business environments. Headquartered in Santa Ana, Calif. with offices located throughout Arizona, California, Colorado and Washington, UPS employs hands-on, highly experienced management teams and continuous training to deliver consistent, high quality security solutions. UPS is a division of Universal Services of America, which also includes Universal Building Maintenance, UPS Security Systems and UPS Fire/Life Safety Services. For more information visit our web site at www.universalpro.com. | 
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