Puerto Vallarta Cat Crusaders
Laura Gelezunas - PVNN

| BanderasNews videographer, Laura Gelezunas shows us how two cat crusaders are alleviating some of the suffering of the estimated 100,000 stray cats in the Puerto Vallarta area. | | There is an estimated 100,000 stray cats in the Puerto Vallarta area alone, imagine how many around the bay. Most of these are starving, have parasites and are unloved and unwanted, however, two cat crusaders are doing their part to alleviate some of the suffering.
 "I have always loved cats, cats are interesting people and cats are definitely close to my heart," says Paraiso Felino owner, Janina Erban.
 The cats are also close to the back door, the front door, the bed and just about any other hiding place at Paraiso Felino. This haven became a reality three years ago and houses over 80 cats. Many in and outside her home, but others are corralled across the street in the new, under construction, sanctuary.
 "We are hoping that we are not a place where people just drop off animals," says Janina, "but a place where they can come and learn and where the whole community can be encouraged to take care of our planet, to take care of our pets and animals and take care of ourselves."
 Paraiso Felino is privately owned and operated by Janina, her mother and a few generous individuals. It is a registered non-profit organization in Mexico. Donations are key to their success.
 With the cooperation of Ayuda a los Animales, part of the PEACE charity network, all the cats are spayed or neutered, have had their shots and are ready for adoption. They each have names and Janina is very familiar with all of their wonderful personalities.
 "I always have a special relationship, even with the feral ones, they come and eat here and we get acquainted," says Janina, "So there's just some sort of relationship going on between me and the cats."
 Janina hopes to add a lunch café where you can have a bite to eat and get cozy with the felines, and maybe take one home. She works on this project just a little at a time, due to funding.
 Another woman devoting the rest of her life to tabbies, calicos and all other breeds and mixes allows over 100 cats to roam her property. Rancho Los Felinos in Porvenier boasts a garden setting and plenty of places to for the cats to rest and relax. They have all been rescued, need good homes, but at the same time, keep the owner company.
 "What cats represent to me at this time is not living in solitude," says Gloria Lorena Aguilar, "They are great friends because I have been a widow for 15 years. Having so many around and to take care of is a way to overcome living alone and in the country."
 Aydua a los Animales also makes sure these cool cats don't have any more and sends a vet out to make sure all cats have their shots, too. Gloria relies only on donations.
 These women have taken on a monumental task and seek assistance. They need dry food, parasite meds and flea and tick treatments. You can drop off your donations every Monday - Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm at any of the Prudential Realty Offices:
 Puerto Vallarta - at the Holiday Inn, Blvd Fco. Medina Ascencio Km. 3.5, Local 1-A Zona Hotelera, Telephone: (322) 226-2690
 La Cruz de Huanacaxtle / Northshore - Carretera a la Cruz de Huanacaxtle km 1.2 Vista Pelícanos, Local 3, Telephone: (329) 295-6200
 Nuevo Vallarta - At Paradise Plaza, Avenida Paseo de los Cocoteros 85 sur Interior Paradise Plaza Local E-7, Telephone: (329) 297-5146
 ... or at Salon Diva's in Plaza Marina G-17, every Monday-Friday from 10 am-6 pm and Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm. Telephone: (322) 209-1249. Luchadores Por Los Gatos Laura Gelezunas - PVNN
 Existen aproximadamente 100,000 gatos de la calle solo en puerto vallarta, imagina cuantos hay en toda la bahia. La mayoria de ellos se estan muriendo de hambre, tienen parasitos, no tienen amor ni dueño, sin embargo dos luchadores por los gatos estan haciendo algo para aliviar este sufrimiento.
 "Siempre me han encantado los gatos, son muy interesantes y los llevo en el corazon" dice Janina Ebran, dueña de Paraiso Felino.
 Los gatos estan en la puerta de entrada, la puerta de atras, la cama, y cualquier otro espacio en Paraiso Felino. Este refugio se convirtio en una realidad hace 3 años, y aloja mas de 80 gatos. Muchos dentro y fuera de su casa, pero otros estan en una nueva area en construccion cruzando la calle.
 "Esperamos no ser solo un lugar para que la gente deje a sus animales" dice Janina, "pero un lugar a donde pueden ir y aprender y en donde toda la comunidad puede aprender a cuidar nuestro planera, cuidar sus animales y a nosotros mismos."
 Paraiso Felino es propiedad y pertenece a Janina, su madres y otras generosas personas. Es una asociacion sin fines de lucro en mexico. Donaciones son muy importantes para su funcionamiento. Con la cooperacion de Ayuda a los Animales, proyecto de PEACE, todos los gatos son esterilizados, se les dan vacunas y estan listos para adopcion. Todos tienen nombre y Janina conoce las personalidades de todos.
 "Siempre tengo una relacion especial con todos, incluso los salvajes, llegan, comen, y nos conocemos" dice Janina "entonces, hay una especie de relacion entre nosotros."
 Janina espera abrir un café donde puedas comer algo y disfrutar con los gatos, y quizas llevar uno a casa. Janina trabaja en este proyecto lentamente, debido al financiamiento.
 Otra mujer que dedica su vida a los mininos, deja que cerca de 100 gatos vivan en su propiedad. Rancho los Felinos en el Porvenir tiene un jardin y muchos lugares para que los gatos jueguen y se relajen. Todos han sido rescatados y necesitan un buen hogar, y estan listos para se buena compañia de sus dueños.
 "Los gatos representan para mmi una vida en compañia" dice Gloria Aguilar, "son muy bueno amigos porque he sido viuda desde hace 15 años. Tener tantos alrededor y cuidarlos, me ayuda a vivir sola en el campo."
 Ayuda a los Animales tambien se asegura de que estos gatos no tengan bebes y manda un veterinario para darles inyecciones. Gloria solo tiene donaciones.
 Estas mujeres tienen una monumental tarea y necesitan ayuda. Necesitan comida de gato, medicina para pulgas y garrapatas, y medicinas para parasitos. Puedes dejar tus donaciones en las oficinas de Prudential Realty:
 Puerto Vallarta - en el Holiday Inn - Lunes-Viernes 10 am-6 pm, Blvd Fco. Medina Ascencio Km. 3.5, Local 1-A Zona Hotelera, Tel: (322) 226-2690
 La Cruz de Huanacaxtle - Lunes-Viernes 10 am-6 pm, Carretera a la Cruz de Huanacaxtle km 1.2 Vista Pelícanos, Local 3, Tel: (329) 295-6200
 Nuevo Vallarta - Paradise Plaza - Lunes-Viernes 10 am-6 pm, Avenida Paseo de los Cocoteros 85 sur Interior Paradise Plaza Local E-7, Tel: (329) 297-5146
 Salon Diva's en Plaza Marina G-17, Lunes-Viernes 10 am-6 pm y los Sabados 10 am-2 pm, Tel: (322) 209-1249
After having spent 10 years in the world of US broadcast news, Laura Gelezunas decided to unleash her skills on Puerto Vallarta by opening Video Diva Productions, a full-service, professional digital video company. Whether you're interested in a sales video, WEBmercial, music video, feature story, documentary, or corporate event video coverage, she has the experience, equipment and talent to coordinate a professional production. For more information, visit her website at VideoDivaProductions.com. |