News from Around Banderas Bay | June 2008  
PV Wise Wo-men Welcome Maria O'Conner
Darla Fowler - PVNN

| For more information, contact Darla Fowler (322) 209-1880 or darla(at)seminarswithDarla.com. | | Puerto Vallarta Attorney Maria O'Conner will present "The Legal Aspects of Buying and Selling Real Estate in Mexico" at the next Wise Wo-men meeting, scheduled to be held on Wednesday, June 11th, from 10 am until 12 noon at the International Friendship Club.
 As an attorney specializing in real estate transactions Maria O'Conner has been the "go to" person in Puerto Vallarta. She has a legal mind, a personable demeanor, and has solved many problems before they even start.
 A long time resident of Puerto Vallarta, who has earned a reputation for quality service, Maria will have a stimulating presentation that includes all aspects of real estate sales plus many other legal issues that may come up - especially for foreigners living in Mexico.
 A lively question and answer session will follow her presentation, so come and be prepared. We look forward to seeing both men and women at this informative presentation.
 No charge. Donations of men's and women's clothing and toiletries for the Rehab Centers are appreciated. For more information, contact Darla Fowler (322) 209-1880 or darla(at)seminarswithDarla.com. | 
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