News Around the Republic of Mexico | June 2008  
President Felipe Calderón Asks Collaborators to Put Themselves in Shoes of People They Serve
Presidencia de la República go to original

| "I would ask you to put yourselves in other people's shoes when you make decisions. Whatever area you’re in, put yourselves on the other side of the counter, put yourself in their situation..." - President Felipe Calderón | | Mexico City - President Felipe Calderón asked all federal public servants to put themselves in other people's shoes in order to understand their needs when the time comes to making decisions.
 "I would like you to put yourselves in other people's shoes when you make decisions." Whatever area you’re in, put yourselves on the other side of the counter, put yourself in their situation, think how much money they have in their pockets to eat that day,” he explained.
 The President called on his collaborators to transform the Mexico we have into the Mexico we want over the next few years and pointed out that Federal Administration is obliged to make the decisions that will correct the course of the country, which in turn will create better living conditions for future generations and enable us all to live better.
 During the Federal Public Administration's Directors' Meeting, in which all the state secretaries took part, the President called for the country to be transformed into a country with economic solidity, safety in the streets, transparent handling of resources, equal opportunities and a clean environment.
 "We form part of a team that is not scared by adversity, nor cowed by danger, nor intimidated by challenge nor dwarfed by problems. You and I form part of a government that knows it has a historic responsibility to act today so that tomorrow we will have the Mexico we dream of, which must be suitable for our children and future generations of Mexicans," added Felipe Calderón.
 The President told the top-level government officials in the Treasury Hall of the National Palace that they are all in the same boat, "We serve Mexico and you and I form part of a government that is absolutely determined to transform the situation in our country."
 He said that we should not stop to think about what happened in the past but rather about the future we wish to leave Mexicans, which is why he recalled the five guidelines of this government and the goals it has set.
 The first goal is to have a country with laws, which will not tolerate organized crime, which is why Joint Operations have been undertaken in several states throughout the country, as part of a long-term strategy. In this respect, President Felipe Calderón hailed the work carried out by the Armed Forces and Federal Police in fighting crime.
 The second goal is to have a competitive economy, which will place Mexico’s economy among the world’s top 20 economies by the year 2030. Achieving this goal means that by 2012, the Administration will have to be on the same level as that of the world's top 30 nations.
 As for equal opportunities, the goal is to reduce extreme poverty and the aim is to reduce it by up to 30%, in other words, for approximately five million people to emerge from this condition and have equal opportunities as regards education, health and food.
 The environment is a crucial issue for the government, which is why, the President explained, it is reforesting several hectares and promoting alternative fuels to hydrocarbons.
 In the President's eyes, since social programs that are not designed to ensure that people live better cannot be included in government programs, he urged his collaborators to work enthusiastically, without letting down their guard to achieve the goals set by this administration. | 
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