News Around the Republic of Mexico | June 2008  
President Urges Armed Forces Not to Let Down Guard

| During the commemoration of Navy Day, the president urged the Mexican navy to have no hesitation in winning the battle, which will be a long-term affair. | | Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo - President Felipe Calderón declared that his Government will not give in to the attacks by organized crime and that the struggle focuses on defending our country from crime, to leave a safe, free, prosperous Mexico to the new generations.
 During the commemoration of Navy Day, the president urged the Mexican navy to have no hesitation in winning the battle, which will be a long-term affair.
 “There is no doubt in the government’s mind. It is our duty to continue our efforts to free the country from the jaws of crime, our task is to work unceasingly so that our beloved country becomes the safe, free country it is meant to be and which I am sure it will become," he said.
 After inspecting the Mexican Navy’s strategies for defending civil society and laying a wreath in honor of the marines who have lost their lives in the call of duty, President Calderón pointed out that combating the lack of safety and crime are tasks that cannot be postponed.
 “We had to act and act fast, which is why we set about dealing with the problem of lack of safety on the streets and crime. It is not government's actions that have generated violence but rather the fact the fact that violence has required the immediate, determined action of government; joint operations are not responsible for the violence in Tijuana or Culiacán,” he explained.
 He recalled that Federal Government’s strategy is integral and long-term, since it involves various aspects for defending society.
 This entails the Mexican state's recovery of full control of the regions affected by organized crime; reinforcing and purging the police corps, not only at the federal level but in the three orders of government; having state-of-the art technological and tactical systems for combating organized crime, weakening the financial and operational structures of crime and placing special emphasis on preventive aspects.
 He added that it is essential to promote a culture of legality and zero tolerance of corruption, recover public spaces to give them back to citizens and work intensely on the prevention and treatment of addictions, particularly among youth.
 “A great deal obviously remains to be done, but the important thing is that the strategy is integral, long-time, the right one and already underway, and however many funds crime has, the state has more. There are far more of us, 105 million Mexicans, that want to live in peace and calm," explained Calderón Hinojosa.
 President Felipe Calderón told the secretaries of the Interior, Navy and National Defense, as well as Governor Félix González Canto, of General Mariano Riva Palacio, who did not accept the "rewards" offered by the French army to renounce his duty to defend the country.
 “He unhesitatingly refused the enemy’s offer and wrote to his wife: I am determined, I will not make any concessions. If I have bad luck, I will eat the bread of banishment, but I will never have to endure the shame of talking you for a stroll through the streets of Mexico on the arm of a husband who has sold your son's fatherland.
 President Calderón told the Mexican marines that there are no defeats, only glory for those that never shun the supreme responsibility of defending the nation. | 
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