Americas & Beyond | June 2008  
Spain and Mexico Urge EU to Lift Sanctions Against Cuba
Cuban News Agency go to original

| Hundreds of thousands of Cubans march during May Day celebrations. Earlier this year, the leading Social Democrat in the European Parliament had said he will push the EU to lift sanctions against Cuba if the country agrees to allow Germany to open a non-government organization in Havana. (DPA) | | Havana, Cuba - The governments of Spain and Mexico advocated on Thursday the lifting of the diplomatic and economic sanctions that the European Union (EU) imposed on Cuba in 2003.
 According to Granma news daily, the president of the Spanish Government, Jose Luis Zapatero, said that the EU “should take steps” in that direction.
 During a joint press conference, Mexican President Felipe Calderon said that diplomacy and respect for the decisions of the Cuban people should mark the political future of the Caribbean nation.
 Calderon and Zapatero also criticized the almost fifty-year-old US economic, financial and trade blockade of Cuba.
 The EU sanctions against Cuba were suspended in 2005 but they were not annulled.
 A meeting of the EU Foreign Ministers will take place in Luxembourg next Monday. It is expected that the end of the sanctions against Cuba will be one of the topics on the agenda. | 
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