|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | July 2008  
Fall Teaching Opportunities Available at School of Champions
Robin Noelle - PVNN

| Children of the Dump's popular after-school program, School of Champions, needs dedicated teachers. Interested parties should contact Arthur Fumerton at 044-322-158-8815 or ArthurEFumerton(at)yahoo.com. | | Puerto Vallarta - Local charity and after-school program School of Champions, operated by the Children of the Dump Vallarta, is currently hiring teachers for the 2008-2009 school year beginning in September.
 The School of Champions is a non-profit program run under the well-known Children of the Dump organization. The school, situated several blocks from the municipal dump, offers a free after-school program in the subjects of English, Computers and Math to the poverty stricken children in the five neighborhoods surrounding the dump.
 Teachers are needed for all of the school subjects; however there is a special need for qualified English teachers. Teachers are not required to be fluent in Spanish, although some basic Spanish is helpful. The school operates in two sessions, mornings from 10 am to 12 pm and afternoons, 4 pm to 6 pm, teachers are only required to commit to one two-hour shift per day. A six month commitment is preferred.
 Teachers will receive a small monthly stipend and assistance with transportation to the school. There are also many opportunities for part-time volunteer teaching assistants. Interested parties are encouraged to take a tour of the school and other Children of the Dump programs. Tours can be arranged by contacting Arthur Fumerton at 044-322-158-8815 or ArthurEFumerton(at)yahoo.com.
The Children of the Dump was founded in 1998, originally as Feed the Children Vallarta. Through private donations, the program feeds more than 2,300 children daily, operates nine day care centers and an after-school program for grades 3 through 6; teaching them English, math and computers. The goal of the Children of the Dump is to ensure education through grade nine and to educate the children of Puerto Vallarta in the skills necessary to rise above poverty. To learn more about Children of the Dump's programs, click HERE or visit ChildrenOfTheDump.org. |

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