|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | July 2008  
EntreAmigos Summer Workshops Start Soon
Nicole Swedlow - PVNN

| Last year 140 kids enrolled in entreamigos Summer Workshops program and this year we expect even more! For more information about this year's entreamigos Summer Workshops, send an email to nrswedlow(at)gmail.com. | | Summer is here and entreamigos Summer Workshops are about to begin! This year's Summer Workshops program is impressive in size and scope with 42 different classes to be offered over the 5 weeks of summer.
 Highlights of this summer include a Circus Troupe that will be joining us from Barcelona, Spain and offering 2 week intensive in Circus training and an accompanying class in Documentary Film. The kids will not only learn to clown, tumble, juggle and fly but will be handling cameras and video cameras to document and edit their own short film about the experience.
 A sampling of this year's classes are: English, Computers, Swim Lessons, Life Guarding, Chaquira, Hawaiian Dance, Soccer, Skateboarding, Cooking, Waterpolo, Beach Volleyball, Mollusks, Pet Training, Yoga, Jewelry, Body Expression, Macrame, Bicycle Adventures, Recycle Art, Gardening, X-treme Sports, Circus Arts, Mandala, Music, Sculpture, Bird Watching and more.
 Last year 140 kids enrolled in our Summer Workshops program and this year we expect even more!
 For the first time this year we will be offering Adult classes in English, Computers, Swimming (very few adults can swim here) and a few additional fun ones like Healthy Cooking, Basic Massage Techniques, Yoga and Jewelry Making.
 In addition to our summer program we will be continuing to offer library services and will also once again be organizing the Planta San Pancho community reforestation event. Last year's Planta San Pancho event brought together adults and children to plant 800 new trees and plants. This year's Planta San Pancho event is scheduled for Saturday, July 19th.
 With literally 100's of people participating in our Summer Workshops, it is not an overstatement to say that our summer programs make an impact on every family in San Pancho. The Summer Workshops are one of the most broad reaching and important educational opportunities that we offer and this email list represents our only financial support in the slow months of summer. If there is a moment in time that we most need your support, it is now.
 A $50 USD donation will sponsor a child to participate in the summer workshops of 2008. You can sponsor a specific child or children (please name them) or make a general donation towards the costs of the summer.
 I am aware that we just requested funds to support the Recicla Parque project. I thank so many of you for your support of that project and apologize for the quick arrival of the Summer Workshop request. I would like to thank Mary Hillabrand and Michael Martin for recently donating $2000 USD towards the completion of the Swinging Bridges. We will be finishing that structure and adding many other details to the park over the summer with a Grand Inauguration Picnic planned for November.
 Although we are still working on our new website, there are many pictures of 2007 Summer Workshops hosted by a San Pancho information site at SanPancho-SanFrancisco.com/Entre_Amigos/ArtGallery.htm
 As always, entreamigos depends on your commitment to make real changes for the children of San Pancho. We are always amazed by the generosity of this community. Thank you.
 Below are details on how to make a tax-deductible donation to entreamigos.
 1. To use a credit card, please visit PayPal.com, choose the SEND MONEY tab and enter entreamigos.sanpancho@gmail.com as the recipient.
 2. Checks made out to entreamigos may be sent to: entreamigos c/o John Arner P.O. Box 1373 Blue Jay, CA 92317
 3. Your house administrator can bring a cash donation to the entreamigos store, located on Ave. Tercer Mundo, ½ block from the beach in San Pancho, and we will provide them with a receipt.
 All donations are Tax-Deductible in the US. Receipts will be provided.

Entreamigos primary focus is to increase educational opportunities for the children of San Pancho in Nayarit Mexico. To achieve these goals Entreamigos runs an art collective non-profit store, a library, a computer center and a collection of educational and community based workshops and initiatives. Entreamigos is entirely funded by donations and almost completely run by volunteers. To learn more about our programs and activities please visit SanPancho-SanFrancisco.com/Entre_Amigos |

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