|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | July 2008  
San Pancho Summer Workshops in Full Swing
Nicole Swedlow - entreamigos

| This year's entreamigos Summer Workshop schedule is impressive with 42 different classes and more than 50 volunteers! For more information send an email to nrswedlow(at)gmail.com. | | Summer is here and entreamigos Summer Workshops are in full swing in San Pancho! More than 100 kids are joining us this year for classes in English, Computers, Swim Lessons and a variety of art, sports and ecology classes. This year our Summer Workshop schedule is impressive with 42 different classes and more than 50 volunteers!
 This weekend is our annual community reforestation event, Planta San Pancho 2008! It will be bigger than ever as we have joined forces with government, private and community organizations to create a true eco-celebration in our little town.
 As always, the success of the summer depends in part on the sponsorships that visitors and residents provide for us. Please consider sponsoring a child or Planta San Pancho this year... but first, read more below about our summer fun!
 This Saturday, July 19th we will join forces to plant 100's of trees and plants in San Pancho's annual community reforestation event. This year's reforestation event, called Planta San Pancho 2008, will have three major focuses:
 • We will be reforesting in the lower San Pancho river area and other community spaces;
 • We will be offering trees to people in a door-to-door planting campaign, and;
 • We will be sending biologists to the estuary to begin a project to document and maintain a scientific and cultural archive of the estuary and it's importance to San Pancho.
 Everyone is invited to join us. There will be T-shirts, music, food and lots of educational displays for you to enjoy, so join us this Saturday, July 19th at 10 am - and bring your neighbors!
 The Circus is Coming to San Pancho
 One of our most exciting workshops this year will be a two week course offered by the Circus Troupe from Barcelona, Spain. They will teach workshops in juggling, trapeze and clowning and will be working with the older kids to create a documentary film of the experience. They received an International grant for the work that they are doing and we are thrilled to be hosting them!
 Swimming Lessons for All
 This year, more than 75 children will learn to swim or improve their skills during the Summer Workshops. Swim Lessons are given by Alfredo C. and his team of volunteers. We will continue our Lifeguard class for youth and this year for the first time we will offer a Learn to Swim class for Adults. Despite our location next to the sea... very few people in San Pancho have ever learned to swim. This year we will once again be using Skip and Nancy's pool and we will be expanding to use Jill and Linc's pool next door. Wow.... let the fun begin!
 Thank you to everyone for your continued support of entreamigos. We are looking forward to an amazing summer of fun and education!

Entreamigos primary focus is to increase educational opportunities for the children of San Pancho in Nayarit, Mexico. To achieve these goals Entreamigos runs an art collective non-profit store, a library, a computer center and a collection of educational and community based workshops and initiatives. Entreamigos is entirely funded by donations and almost completely run by volunteers. For more information about our programs and activities and how you can help, please visit SanPancho-SanFrancisco.com/Entre_Amigos |

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