|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | July 2008  
July 2008 Turtle News
Grupo Ecologico Manos Unidas Por Litibu A.C.

| The 2008 turtle season in the Banderas Bay area is underway. If you'd like to help protect endangered sea turtles on the beaches of Litibu, Malinal, Punta Negra, and Playa Careyeros, please call Susan at (329) 298-4104 or Deborah at (329) 298-4115. | | The turtle season for '08 is definitely underway. There are already nests in the Litibu corral! Mexican Biologist Gilberto Galindo Castro M.V.Z., and President of Grupo Ecologico Manos Unidas por Litibu A.C., reports the following summary from the 2007 turtle season on the beaches of Litibu, Malinal, Punta Negra and Playa Careyeros.
 He safely relocated 191 turtle nest contents of 19,193 eggs to the turtle corral. This resulted in his successful release of 17,849 baby sea turtle hatchlings into the sea. He had a 93% survival rate of hatchlings from eggs, which is phenomenal and due to his excellent care of the turtles and scientific methodology.
 Unfortunately, this year we have the ongoing issue of beach poachers stealing nests full of eggs. Last season Gilberto found 64 nests robbed of eggs and the turtle corral in Litibu was broken into and 13 nests were robbed, an unprecedented negative event. Preventing these thefts and ensuring the safety of turtle volunteers is paramount.
 A new resort is being built in the middle of the two-mile stretch of beach where the turtles lay their eggs. Fortunately, this 1/2 mile center segment is now patrolled by night watchmen. Unfortunately, this is causing poachers to move closer to the ends of the beach at Punta Negra and at Litibu where the turtle corral is located. Gilberto, while super-human in his efforts to protect the turtles, cannot be two places at once.
 What Gilberto needs in people power is twofold: (1) he is in need of local assistance by short term volunteers in patrolling Playa Careyeros at night to help him locate nesting sea turtles (and potentially deter poachers just by their presence), and (2) he also needs long term volunteers (3-4 weeks minimum) who can work alongside him (under his authorization by SEMARNAT) and be trained in the specifics of the sea turtle program and assist in nightly patrols, data collection, turtle eggs transport to corral, artificial nest digging, nest monitoring, egg mortality studies, hatchling release, environmental education and anti-poaching campaign, and computer work/administration.
 Teams of two people and intermediate Spanish-speaking skills desired for both short term and long term volunteers. If you are interested, or know anyone who is interested, even in helping coordinate short term volunteers, please call Susan at (329) 298-4104 or Deborah at (329) 298-4115.
 The existing Litibu Sea Turtle Protection and Conservation Program is unique in that it is independently run (not tied to any hotels, academic institutions, businesses, or for-profit entities) by a Biologist authorized by the Mexican Federal environmental protection branch, Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) to operate in the Federal Maritime Zone.
 With the support of the Grupo Ecologico A.C. to assist the program with acquisition of equipment, materials, volunteers, and outreach support, we have an opportunity to bring much influence to the broader community on the best practices of protecting endangered marine sea turtles on the beaches of Litibu, Malinal, Punta Negra, and Playa Careyeros, while remaining independent, which is the goal.
 Money that was donated to Grupo Ecologico Manos Unidas por Litibu A.C. last year was used to help buy an ATV, ATV tires, and supplies for the 2007 turtle season. Thank you everyone!
 This year, as usual, our effort to protect the turtles is understaffed but not as badly under-funded. We have a grant already approved for the 2008 season from the Sun Hill Foundation - many thanks to them. The funds have arrived and are already being put to good use.
 However, funds from the Sun Hill Foundation can only be used for supplies and administrative costs, not to pay salaries or stipends for turtle protection biologists, including Gilberto, or the cost of food and lodging for volunteers. And getting more help for Gilberto for night fieldwork is our highest priority this season.
 How You Can Help
 You can volunteer, donate supplies or, of course, money to help pay for a night watchman and assistant or to buy the items below that are not donated. The needed equipment, materials and services include:
 • A laptop computer for the A.C. • High speed Internet access • Website design • Vinyl, canvas or plastic carport/rain shade structure • Honda Moto detachable headlight • Rain Gear • Illuminated head lamps • Two way radios, Walkie-Talkies, and/or cell phones and cell phone cards • Size D Flashlight batteries • Accountant services in order to keep us legal with Hacienda Taxes • Mexican cell phones that we can card
 We can give you a U.S. tax-deductible receipt through our relationship with PeaceMexico.org. Thank you Molly! |

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