|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | July 2008  
Vallarta Enfrenta el SIDA Needs Your Help
Paco Arjona - vallartaenfrentasida.org

| Vallarta Enfrenta el SIDA is a non-profit organization that provides education and prevention programs, counseling and support for those with HIV+ and their loved ones and outreach to at-risk communities in the Banderas Bay area. Visit VallartaEnfrentaSida.org. | 
| amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, is one of the world's leading nonprofit organizations dedicated to the support of AIDS research, HIV prevention, treatment education, and the advocacy of sound AIDS-related public policy. For more information, please visit amFAR.org | | Vallarta Enfrenta el SIDA, a non-profit organization that addresses the problem of HIV infection and AIDS in Puerto Vallarta, will soon be receiving economic support from New York based amfAR AIDS Research to continue our education and prevention activities of HIV/AIDS in the Puerto Vallarta and Banderas Bay region.
 amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, is one of the world's leading nonprofit organizations dedicated to the support of AIDS research, HIV prevention, treatment education, and the advocacy of sound AIDS-related public policy in several countries around the world.
 As you all know, V.E.S. is 100% financed by donations, and one of the requirements for this funding is to send amfAR our Corporate Charter in English, and we are looking for volunteers to help with this task.
 The Corporate Charter must be translated from Spanish to English before July 21st, 2008. If you wish to help, please contact us at (322) 223-0535 (ask for Paco Arjona or Juan Carlos García) or send an email to pacoarjona(at)vallartaenfrentasida.org.
 We would appreciate all the help you can provide with this task.
 For more information about HIV testing, counseling and risk reduction, please call Vallarta Enfrenta el SIDA, A.C. at (322) 223-0535; or visit the VES website at VallartaEnfrentaSida.org. Volunteer opportunities are available, as well as assistance and referrals for health and social services.
Vallarta Enfrenta el SIDA, A.C. Solicita su Colaboración Paco Arjona - vallartaenfrentasida.org
 Dentro de unos días recibiremos apoyo económico por parte de la asociación amfAR AIDS Research, para la continuación de nuestros proyectos de educación y prevención de VIH/SIDA en al región de Puerto Vallarta.
 amfAR AIDS Research es un asociación con base en Nueva York y con presencia en todo el mundo.
 Como saben, VES es financiada en un 100% por donativos y uno de los requisitos para el recibir dicha ayuda es el enviar nuestra Acta Constitutiva en ingles. Por lo que solicitamos voluntarios para que nos apoyen con esta tarea.
 El documento debe estar traducido al ingles a mas tardar el próximo lunes 21 de julio, si deseas ayudar comunícate con nosotros por email a pacoarjona(at)vallartaenfrentasida.org o llamenos al (322) 223-0535 (pregunta por Paco Arjona o Juan Carlos García.)
 De antemano agradecemos tu valiosa ayuda para poder continuar con nuestra importante labor.
 Para información adicional acerca del VIH, pruebas, consejería, y reducción de riesgos en Puerto Vallarta, favor de visitar a nuestro sitio, VallartaEnfrentaSida.org o llamar a nuestras oficinas en (322) 223-0535. |

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