|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | August 2008  
Historic Security, Justice and Legality Agreement Signed
Presidencia de la República go to original

| "These commitments do not constitute a letter of good intentions; they are a response by the state with specific actions." - President Calderón | | Mexico City - The three branches of government, secretaries of state, governors and mayors from every state, civil society, business, union and religious organizations, as well as the media, signed the National Security, Justice and Legality Agreement this week.
 As part of the 23rd Session of the National Public Security Council, President Felipe Calderón declared that it is essential to translate the "That's Enough" expressed by citizens into specific actions that will restore confidence in the authorities and the police responsible for looking after the population.
 “The formalization and above all, fulfillment of this agreement will determine whether citizens begin to recover their confidence in the authorities; the commitment we have assumed here does not constitute a letter of good intentions,” he declared.
 In the Treasury Hall at the National Palace, the President stressed that this document includes public policies for crime prevention, the administration of justice and social readaptation.
 President Calderón told members of the Security Cabinet and state governors that this pact must prioritize civic participation, the production of police intelligence and the use of modern crime-fighting technologies.
 He stated that this document will provide the opportunity to formalize the first specific commitments that will allow the authorities to deal with the urgent task of safeguarding citizens' safety.
 Lastly, the President said that it should be quite clear that this National Security, Justice and Legality Agreement is a response by the state with specific commitments, the fulfillment of which must be verified over time and which cannot afford to be postponed. |

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