|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | August 2008  
UN Hails Mexico’s Strategy for Combating Organized Crime
Presidencia de la República go to original

| Mr. Ban Ki-Moon (L) met with President Calderón to deal with issues on the international agenda. | | Mexico City - After meeting with President Felipe Calderón to review the international agenda on climate change and achieving the Millennium Goals, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon hailed the Mexican government’s strategy in the fight against drug trafficking and organized crime.
 In a press statement issued at the official Los Pinos residence, the UN Secretary General reported, "At the meeting we have just had, I congratulated the president on his fight against organized crime, for which the United Nations will be able to provide technical assistance as required."
 As part of the International AIDS Conference, Mr. Ban Ki-moon welcomed the plan announced by President Calderón last night to eliminate the factory requirement, meaning that local pharmaceutical markets will be able to have laboratories from other countries that will be able to introduce and sell antiretroviral medication, which would reduce costs.
 He also congratulated Mexico on providing leadership in the response to the AIDS problem, and hailed the fact that Mexico is the first Latin American country to host this international event.
 The UN Secretary General hailed the measures Mexico has adopted on behalf of the environment, saying, "I hope Mexican policy on land use and reforestation will serve as an example to other countries so that they copy and implement it. Mexico has focused on adaptation and what it has achieved is extremely impressive."
 In this respect, he said that although climate change and the international food crisis have affected the possibility of achieving the Millennium Goals, it is reassuring that Mexico has had the capacity to implement and achieve new objectives as regards reforestation and reforms of the penal justice system, among other aspects. |

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