|  |  | Technology News | August 2008  
Getting Hacked at the Olympics
Lisa Hoffman & Bill Bowman - Capitol Hill Blue go to original
 U.S. athletes, journalists, public officials and tourists attending the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing are at risk of Chinese hackers - most likely with Chinese government approval - infiltrating their laptops, Black Berrys and other electronic devices, security experts are warning.
 While attention focused this past week on the cyber warfare Russia employed during its incursion into the Georgian republic, it is the Chinese who are the recognized global masters of cyber spying.
 Last year, bugs reportedly were planted in electronic gear belonging to U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez during his trade mission there. This year, several congressmen reported that Chinese operatives had accessed their computers, and appeared to have stolen sensitive information about Chinese human rights whistle blowers. The Pentagon suspects China repeatedly has tried to attack U.S. military sites for years.
 Congressional leaders have advised lawmakers on ways to avoid breaches when in China, but no similar warning has been issued for others attending the Games. |

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