|  |  | Americas & Beyond | August 2008  
US Sees Increase In Illegal Mexican Immigrants Going Back To Mexico
Amy Beeman - AHN go to original

| (AP/Charlie Riedel) | | Dallas, TX - The slumping economy in the United States isn't just affecting Americans. According to recent reports, the decline in employment opportunities is driving many illegal Mexican immigrants back over the border.
 Enrique Hubbard, the Mexican consul general in Dallas told Fox News that the rate of Mexicans returning to their home country is "almost 100 percent more this year than it was the previous two years."
 A report published in The Dallas Morning News last month said the same thing. Carl Rusnok, spokesman for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement office in Dallas, told the paper that deportation of Mexican immigrants nationally has increased from "108,900 in 2005 to 136,370 in 2007."
 While many cite the U.S.'s slowing economy for the growing numbers of Mexicans going to their native country, others say that toughening laws on illegal immigrants has ignited fear and apprehension about living in a constant state of lawlessness.
 According to the Center for Immigration Studies, there has been an 11 percent drop in illegal immigrant population in the U.S. since August of last year, and that 1.3 million illegal immigrants have returned to their home countries. According to the C.I.S. the population of legal immigrants is still growing.
 Reportedly, the Mexican economy will likely be affected in a similar way that the American one has by the insurgence of so many workers needing jobs. It is expected that wages will be driven down and social services will be strained by the influx of people returning to Mexico. |

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