|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | September 2008  
VW Beetle Taxis On Way Out In Mexico City
Alexis Okeowo - SF Chronicle go to original
 Mexico City - In Cuba, the Volkswagen Beetle is called the "little egg." In France, it's known as the "ladybird." Here, the vehicle is called el vocho, converted into tens of thousands of green-and-white taxis that have filled the capital's congested streets for at least half a century. But if the city government has its way, the emblematic vochos will drive off into history.
 "We want to get rid of them ... this vehicle is now a nuisance in Mexico City," said Victor Manuel Ramirez, head of the taxi division at the city transport and road ministry. "The government wants to replace them with more modern, fuel-efficient vehicles."
 Mexico has the third-highest number of VW Beetles - 1.7 million sold over four decades - after Germany and Brazil. In a recent statement, the transport ministry said the vocho is a major contributor to the city's air pollution, getting only 19 miles to the gallon compared with 34 miles to the gallon by many newer models. The ministry's recent decision to rid the city of all cars older than 10 years by 2012 is a blow to the capital's 20 million inhabitants who rely on some 100,000 taxis, 75,000 of which are older than 10 years and 80 percent of which are vochos, according to ministry records.
 To be sure, other Mexican cities suffer from older, polluting vehicles, but the capital's leftist, green-friendly government has been proactive in trying to cut down on smothering smog and high ozone levels with such plans as growing rooftop gardens and limiting the number of cars on the road.
 In the first phase of phasing out VW Beetles, the city is offering taxi drivers 15,000 pesos, or $1,500, to turn their vehicles into scrap metal - a price some consider a significant loss compared with the car's average new price of $7,500. A 14-year-old vocho can still fetch about $2,500, taxi drivers say.
 Nevertheless, most taxi drivers appear to be on board with the program, though not all plan to turn their cars into scrap metal.
 Cabdriver Fabien Fava, 25, who has braved Mexico City's chaotic traffic for the past four years, says he is ready to take the money. "I like the taxi-exchange program because the vochos are very old and very high-maintenance. You have to comply with so many regulations relating to upkeep when you own these cars," he said, referring to rules that require constant smog checks.
 "It was the government in the first place that imported these cars, so it's their mistake," said cabdriver Erasmo Hernandez, 61, a 30-year veteran. "But I agree with the program, the cars are outdated and, for a little more money, you can now get cars that are safer, bigger and more economic and comfortable. In general, 15,000 pesos is a fair price," he said.
 Other drivers said they would keep their cars until the 2012 deadline or sell them first. The transport ministry has not decided whether it will target private drivers after the deadline. For now, only taxi drivers are affected.
 "I plan to keep my car, maybe give it to my family for private use, then get another taxi," Fava said. "I think it is better to keep it, since 15,000 pesos is not enough to buy another car."
 Besides spewing pollutants and being a problem to fix - spare parts are difficult to find since production in Mexico ended in 2003 - the vocho is considered a safety threat, police officials say.
 Since vocho taxis often lack a front passenger seat, they have become popular with kidnappers. Trapped behind the driver and with the assailant blocking the passenger door, victims can't escape. In a country that has surpassed both Colombia and Iraq in the number of kidnappings for ransom- 400 this year alone - citizens are increasingly wary of taking vocho taxis, particularly at night.
 "I do not really feel safe in those taxis," said 21-year old student Luis Gomez Chow, as he stood on a sunny corner waiting to hail a cab. "I think it (the new ban) is a good measure, especially because Mexico has a lot of pollution problems."
 But Chow admitted it would take time for residents to adjust to more environmentally friendly cars. Vochos have become nearly synonymous with Mexico City, popping up on tourist souvenirs and post cards and inspiring a magazine entitled Vochomania that includes a feature on the Vocho del Mes, or "Beetle of the Month."
 "It's going to be quite weird not to have them around Mexico City - it's a Mexican symbol," said Chow.
 The Beetle in Mexico
 The Volkswagen Beetle is arguably the most popular car in history. Since its debut in 1938, more than 21 million vehicles have been bought by people attracted by its durability, low price and easy repairs.
 Known as el vocho in Mexico, the first cars arrived in 1956. By 1964, Mexico began producing its own version and by 1973, 1 in 3 cars sold in Mexico were vochos.
 In the United States, production of the Beetle halted in 1977 after the car's design and air-cooled engine no longer met U.S. safety and emission standards. By 2003, Mexico became the only country still producing VW Beetles. On July 30, 2003, the last Beetle rolled off the assembly line at its plant in Puebla.
 But perhaps the final blow came last month after Mexico City's transport ministry passed an ordinance requiring cabdrivers - most city taxis are vochos - to stop using vehicles more than 10 years old by 2012, citing environmental and safety concerns. |

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