US War Resister is Granted Stay of Deportation The Real Network go to original
Canadian judge rules against deportation of outspoken anti-Iraq war resister
Iraq War Resister Jeremy Hinzman won a stay of deportation this week as a judge refused to allow Canada to send him back to the United States to face prosecution for desertion. Hinzman is one of numerous war resisters currently in Canada. Despite the Canadian parliament passing a non-binding resolution on June 3 calling for resisters to be allowed to stay in Canada permanently as conscientious objectors, the Canada Border Services Agency continues to routinely effect deportation orders of US war resisters. Ottawa based immigration lawyer Yaver Hameed believes that "the contradiction between the non-binding parliamentary motion that allows war resisters to stay in Canada versus the Canada Border Services effecting deportation orders to war resisters reveals a lack of commitment to our basic democratic values." Yavar Hameed is a lawyer whose practice focuses on the protection and advocacy of human rights and civil liberties in the following areas: Administrative Law, Immigration and Refugee Law and general civil litigation. Yavar is a sessional lecturer in the Department of Laws at Carleton University, a member of La Ligue des droits et libertes, l’Association des juristes de l’expression francaise de l’Ontario (AJEFO), Lawyers Against the War (LAW) and the World Social Forum (WSF) movement.