|  |  | Vallarta Living | September 2008  
Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| Twila's got the scoop on what's going on around the Bay, the Republic and the World, so if you want to be 'in the know' be sure to read this week's Out and About in Puerto Vallarta. | | Okay, folks, it is really serious now in Mexico. The drug war is moving into attacks on the public, the people... not only law enforcement and military and those involved in drug activity. As you probably know, two grenades were thrown into a crowd celebrating Mexico's Independence Day in Morelia. Eight persons (a child just died) were killed and more than 100 were injured. Local Spanish-language newspapers here have run horrific photos - including injured children.
 President Felipe Calderon, from this Michoacan state, vows response and calls for unity among Mexicans. Here, Nayarit and Puerto Vallarta officials are sparring with each other over control or lack of control of drug activity here. As of this writing, we've now experienced reported grenade attacks in the La Cruz and the Marina Vallarta area. Living in El Centro, we hear sirens frequently coming and going around the Bay area.
 Calls from Puerto Vallarta authorities to the Jalisco government for Mexican army backup have been rejected following 16 shootouts between police and organized criminals in Vallarta since May. Shootings per se are almost daily. According to the Guadalajara Reporter, Jalisco Secretary of Government Fernanco Guzman said state police reinforcements will be sent to Vallarta to help out the local police force but that there was no need for military presence. He said all border points into Jalisco state will be beefed up. Francisco Jimenez Reynoso, coordinator of the University of Guadalajara law school, says the way to deter criminals is to improve investigative techniques. He says 98 percent of crimes go unreported or unsolved.
 If you do not read local Spanish language newspapers, you can go to "Around the Republic" right here on BanderasNews to get a vivid idea of what is going on in Mexico. I previously lived in a city that was called for many years "the murder capital of the U.S." ...Washington, D.C. I continued to lead a normal life... but was very aware of who was around me.
 Suze Orman, who dines at Cafe Bohemio here, is all over US television with financial advice these days. It is a bad scene in the US, and globally, these days. We'll undoubtedly see effects of that here. Tent cities are being set up in the US by some persons who have lost so much.
 The Book Store is expanding at Plaza Caracol. Plans include a store down the line at Nuevo Vallarta.
 The former Treetop/Miguelito's Restaurant on Basilio Badillo is reported to open October 15th with a new name and a new look. Lori Lorenzen continues as an owner. Yes, nights of music will return. I'll join you there once in awhile.
 Beverly Hills Chihuahua, filmed here as South of the Border, will be shown on television's USA channel at 5 pm (could be Eastern time), Sunday, September 28th. The film opens to the public October 3rd. A fundraiser of the local film committee is on October 2nd at 7 pm at Cinemark sala 5 at Plaza Caracol. Click HERE for more info.
 A group of us enjoyed Mama Mia together. We laughed, clapped and sang. The musical number, Dancing Queen, was a hit for us. It was such fun, too, with what happened while the credits rolled.
 Word is that Boca Bento restaurant has relocated to Mismaloya and will be open this fall.
 A friend and I enjoyed the famous tortilla soup at Ernesto's, Rafael Osuma 157, behind the Versalles theater. The small size bowl was a meal for each of us.
 Mama Rosa, Leona Vicario 297, tel: 222-4010, is serving its traditional breakfast from 8 am - 2 pm, closed on Mondays. Later this fall, Mateo and Sergio will be serving traditional Mexican dinner items a la carte. The food is incredibly delicious, and the guys are so nice and friendly. Enjoy!
 Highway 70 (Mascota-Puerto Vallarta highway) has been closed because of road damage in this rainy season. It may be open by now.
 The Tribuna (Spanish language) newspaper is looking good with an urban design and clearly reporting on increasingly urban issues here. Take a look at it. It has been 6 months to one year to get to its current image. Look for where the Tribune (English language) will be image-wise in 6 months to one year.
 The first day of Rosh Hashanah is September 30th, with rituals the night before. Yom Kippur is October 8th and 9th. Click HERE for the Puerto Vallarta Jewish Community's schedule of High Holiday services.
 A spider, I think, attacked me while I was sleeping. My lower left arm was swollen for awhile... and simply itched. Now it looks like two teeth, fangs or tentacles marks at the bite. No, I do not want to think about a snake, a bat or some sci-fi creature you all will be helpful in suggesting!
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the PV Mirror and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. |

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