|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | October 2008  
Acting Classes for Kids, Teens & Adults
T.J. Hartung - PVNN

| Professional actress and teacher Liv Boughn and Jamie Lee Curtis when they shot a scene together for Disney's Beverly Hills Chihuahua. | | Starting November 17, 2008, the Santa Barbara Theater is proud to present Acting Classes for Kids, Teens & Adults taught by Liv Boughn, professional Hollywood actress and teacher.
 Liv graduated with honors from the B.F.A. Theatre Program at the University of Southern California. She began her modeling and acting career at a very young age and has been working internationally for 20 years. Liv has been featured in hundreds of print and commercial campaigns, and has performed in over 35 stage productions. Additionally, she has been featured as a guest star on television shows such as "Charmed" and has appeared in magazines such as "Young and Modern" (YM). One of her career highlights thus far was representing the U.S. in the 1998 International Children's Theatre Festival in Croatia.
 In addition to her acting and modeling, Liv taught and coached performing arts & self-development for over twelve years in the Los Angeles area. One of her specialties is coaching actors and models on the "bizness" of the business, where she helps them learn the "how to" of the industry including how to: audition, get agents, and ultimately turn their talents into viable careers.
 Most recently she taught acting at Colegio Americano in Puerto Vallarta where her directing credits over the last three years include: "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown;" "Beauty Is a Beast;" "Holka Polka, a Fairy tale Mystery;" and for teens, "Love, Death, and the Prom," which she will be bringing to the professional stage of the Santa Barbara Theater in the upcoming months. Liv is thrilled to bring her acting program to the Santa Barbara where her students will benefit from being in a professional, live theater venue beginning this month.
 "Improved self-confidence" and "better eye contact" are some of the more frequent comments given by her students and parents. Liv's curriculum is currently focused on theatre games/sports, improvisation, comedy, character work, scene study, monologues, and of course, plays. Other themes include: teamwork, articulation, and self expression.
 Revised Class Schedule:
 English Classes begin November 17th
 Mondays/Wednesdays: 3:30-4:30 pm - Acting for Kids, Ages 6-9 4:30-5:30 pm - Acting for Kids, Ages 10-12 5:30-7:00 pm - Acting for Teens/Young Adults (Now casting upcoming show!)
 Empezamos clases en Español el 18 de Noviembre
 Martes y Jueves: 3:30-4:30 pm - Clases de Actuación para niños, edades 6-9 4:30-5:30 pm - Clases de Actuación para niños, edades 10-12 5:30-7:00 pm - Clases de Actuacíon, Jóvenes, edades 13+
 Prices and Details for Acting Classes at the Santa Barbara Theater:
 Special Introductory Rate: Five Weeks for the Price of Four!* Kids Classes: $500 Pesos/month (2 hrs/wk) Teen/Young Adult Class: $700 Pesos/month (3 hrs/wk)
 *Introductory rate offer applies only to Students beginning week of November 17, 2008.
 To reserve your space, send an email to pvactress(at)hotmail.com or call 044-322-137-5777. |

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