|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | October 2008  
Casa Hogar Maximo Cornejo Orphanage Fall Newsletter
Ariel Dueñas Lopez - PVNN

| Donating your time or money to help us give these kids a better life will not only give you that "warm and fuzzy" feeling that comes from helping those who are less fortunate, but will also give you a great excuse to come back to Puerto Vallarta every year. To learn how you can help Ariel make the world a better place, visit GlobalVolunteersProjects.org, or write him at ariel(at)globalvolunteerprojects.org or ariel(at)wildtravellers.org. | | Puerto Vallarta - This year has just flown by for us here at Wild Travellers in Mexico. We have been working very hard and all of our efforts have made a great impact on all of the kids living at Casa Hogar Maximo Cornejo orphanage in Puerto Vallarta.
 Fundación Wild Travellers by Global Volunteer Projects, A.C. has been providing volunteers and funding for the children at Casa Hogar for the past three years.
 This year a group of very nice Canadians, Tammy, Dean, Henry and Donna, volunteered at the children's shelter, where they spent about $15,000 USD on building a new playground for the kids. As we were building it they realized there were more needs so they went to Home Depot and bought everything needed. This playground has been the highlight of the year for the all children at Casa Hogar.
 We also had other volunteers visiting Casa Hogar from the USA and Europe and all of them have made donations and helped out in different ways. From Global Volunteer Projects we had the following volunteers: Maria Stancikova, Eva Micudova (Slovak Rep.), Gary Taylor (UK photographer), Alisha Shanon, Amy Woodbury (USA) and Sofia Hernandez (ESP).
 Wild Travellers volunteers included Johnny Lane and family (USA); Judy Nyere, who led a group of US college students and Jennifer Shaddle and family (USA), among others. Thanks to the support of the Banderas News Team, most of this year's donations came from people who read articles about Casa Hogar on Puerto Vallarta's Liveliest Website, BanderasNews.com.
 As the year comes to an end, all of the kids at Casa Hogar are looking forward to the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. This is always a special time of the year for all of us, so as the holiday season approaches, don't be shy about giving these unfortunate children a helping hand, they will really appreciate it.
 In this orphanage there are some really sad stories. Not all of the kids at Casa Hogar are orphans. Some of the children have been taken from their parents for sexual or physical abuse, some of them have both parents in jail, and there are two kids that have almost reached adulthood inside the walls of the orphanage, but cannot leave because they have brain paralysis, there is nowhere else to place them in the greater Puerto Vallarta area.
 There are also a couple of high school girls living at the shelter. They are looking forward to reaching the age of 18, when they will be able to leave the shelter, but in the meantime, they could really use some help with high school and university funding, clothing, etc. Like all teenage girls they love makeup and new clothes, but as you might imagine, these things are not readily available to them - so any and all donations are more than welcome.
 So please come forward and give these kids a hand, not only for Christmas, but for a lifetime. Donating your time or money to help us give these kids a better life will not only give you that "warm and fuzzy" feeling that comes from helping those who are less fortunate, but will also give you a great excuse to come back to Puerto Vallarta every year.

From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank everyone who has contributed to the wellbeing of the children at Casa Hogar here in Puerto Vallarta, and to all of the other children around the world who are in desperate need of a little help. These kids do not deserve to live without love so, the next time you visit an orphanage or a shelter for ill and abandoned children, be sure to give them a big hug because love is the best gift of all.
 Ariel Duenas is the Wild Life Coordinator for Wild Travellers and Global Volunteer Projects and an active volunteer at several charitable and non-profit organizations in Puerto Vallarta and around Banderas Bay. To learn how you can help Ariel make the world a better place, visit GlobalVolunteersProjects.org, or write him at ariel(at)globalvolunteerprojects.org or ariel(at)wildtravellers.org. |

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