Mexico Hails Creation of Latin American Pacific Rim Forum
Presidencia de la República go to original

| A total of 11 countries comprise the Latin American Pacific Rim Forum: Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru and Mexico. | | San Salvador, El Salvador - President Calderón expressed Mexico’s support for the Latin American Pacific Rim initiative that groups together all the countries in the region bordering the Pacific Ocean to strengthen the mechanisms of collaboration and economic integration mechanisms and exploit their potential.
 During the first working meeting on this mechanism, the President highlighted Latin America's potential for successfully interacting in terms of trade and investment, with the Asian counterpart of the Pacific Basin, currently one of the world’s most prosperous and important regions.
 President Felipe Calderón also declared that the Pacific Rim should not only be a mechanism for trade harmonization but could also become an instrument of political brotherhood that would permit the construction of long-awaited Latin American solidarity and integration.
 During this meeting, the President proposed that member states meet once a year to discuss issues such as trade convergence, facilitating infrastructure, investment promotion and protection and technical cooperation for competitiveness.
 “This is an excellent forum for discussing and sharing economic and political principles, and for thinking about Latin America from the common perspective of those who regard the Latin American continent from the privileged position of the Pacific Rim,” he declared.
 A total of 11 countries comprise the Latin American Pacific Rim Forum: Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru and Mexico. |