|  |  | Technology News | October 2008  
Mexico Sees Increase in UFO Reports
Ana Luisa Cid - UFO Digest go to original
 Since October 22, 2008 to date there have been numerous UFO sighting reports emerging from the Mexican state of Tamaulipas. The most significant of these are the ones recorded in Ciudad Madero, Tampico and Rio Bravo.
 The state’s Direccion de Proteccion Civil (Civil Defense) has received phone calls from witnesses that are now exceed 50 reports.
 The “Hechos” news program on Television Azteca made the first images known, corresponding to a video recorded by Mrs. Liliana Vazquez.
 According to the news report, on October 24, 2008, during a ceremony conmemorating United Nations Day, students and teachers of the Venustiano Carranza school in Tampico saw three white spheres in the sky. They argued over whether they were balloons or UFOs, although one student said that the objects resembled “two joined plates”. Parents were also present during the event, and it was one of them – Mrs. Vazquez – who videotaped the event.
 The same newscast reported that it would conduct an investigation to find out if a private company had launched helium balloons that morning.
 Moreover, Mr. Jose Alonso Galicia Fabela, a resident of Rio Bravo, documented the transit of a sphere that appeared to be on a helicopter’s flight path. This recording is dated October 27, 13:30 hours.
 The witness says that he was following the helicopter with his camcorder when he suddenly saw the spherical object, which moved from south to north.
 While both videos appear to show the same thing, it should be noted that the cities where they were recorded are quite distant from each other. Rio Bravo is in northeastern Tamaulipas, while Tampico is toward the southeast.
 Translated by Scott Corrales: Scott Corrales is the director of the Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU) and is the author of "Chupacabras and Other Mysteries" and "Flashpoint: High Strangeness in Puerto Rico". Visit Scott's website at: http://inexplicata.blogspot.com/. You can contact Scott by email at lornis1(at)earthlink.net. |

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