|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | November 2008  
Democrats Abroad Gather at Marazul to Watch Obama Win
Dee Dee Camhi - democratsabraod.org

| Members of the Costa Banderas Exececutive Committee at the November 4 Democrats Abroad Mexico Election Party. | | Wow! We did it! What a true pleasure it was to watch the eager eyes and anxious smiles of the 225 attendees at the November 4 Democrats Abroad Mexico Costa Banderas Chapter Election Party. And when Wolf Blitzer of CNN announced that Barack Obama was the next President of the United States, those eager eyes and anxious smiles burst into joy.
 There are so many people who work behind the scenes to make a night like this happen. The thousands of campaign workers across the country who began working behind the scenes over 21 months ago need to be applauded. When I was up in the US this summer, I worked with some of them in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. They were so well organized and dedicated to the task. It was a pleasure to help.
 Our Democrats Abroad Mexico chapter here in Costa Banderas needs to be recognized for all its work in helping over 300 people request and cast their absentee ballots. They opened their homes to the public to watch the three Presidential debates and the one Vice Presidential debate. They worked tirelessly to make the election party the success it was.
 So thanks... to Susan Wichterman, our Treasurer, and Larry Canady, our Vice-Chair for coordinating the Get Out The Vote campaign since early June. To Gabriel, Felipe, and Manuel Jaime for assisting the GOTV volunteers at Mailboxes Etc. To Paul Crist, our media chair, for all his work in getting the word out to voters and for coordinating details with Marazul.
 It is said that a good team can perform miracles. And it certainly was so during the past few months. Our DAM chapter members certainly need the credit:

Larry Canady, Vice Chair Sylvia Sorensen, Secretary Vern Sorensen, Parliamentarian Tobe Jensen, Fundraising Chair Paul Crist, Media Chair Millard Mott, Registration Chair Bonnie Mott, Member-at-Large Barbara & Mel Bornstein, Members-at-Large Don Pickens, Member-at-Large Veronica Lindsay, Member-at-Large
 If you still arent a member of Democrats Abroad Mexico, you can join through DemocratsAbroad.org. You will then hear about the wonderful events, discussion groups, lectures, and parties planned for the upcoming year.
 And definitely plan to come celebrate with us on Inauguration Day January 20, 2009. Details are forthcoming.
 So many, many congratulations to Barack Obama and Joe Biden, the next President and Vice President of the United States of America. We can certainly be proud again! For more information about the Costa Banderas Chapter of Democrats Abroad, click HERE. For local assistance, contact Dee Dee Camhi at 322-223-9804 or chair.banderas(at)mexicodemocrats.org or Paul Crist at 322-222-4793 or editor(at)mexicodemocrats.org. |

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