|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | November 2008  
New Season Opens With a Bang at the Santa Barbara Theater
Ann Marie Danimus - PVNN

| Don't miss this season's lineup of great shows at Puerto Vallarta's most popular entertainment venue, Santa Barbara Theater! Advance tickets can be purchased online at SantaBarbaraTheater.com. For more information stop by the theater at 351 Olas Altas on the South Side of Puerto Vallarta or call (322) 223-2048. | | For a while it seemed as if November would never get here and now I need more time! November 7th is our season opener "Bums on Broadway" and what a way to open... Freddy and Paul have outdone themselves. This is definitely a must-see!

Click image to enlarge | We have a terrific line up of NINE shows between now and Christmas. In addition, Liv Boughn is bringing her children's acting program to Santa Barbara and will be adding a class for adults as well.
 Mikki Prost will be teaching yoga on the main stage Mon-Sat at 9 am and we hope to add some dance classes later in the season. Our new restaurant has been christened "Broadway Café" (Thanks, we like the name, too,) and will open in the next couple of weeks featuring American style comfort food, great burgers and salads and eventually we will open for breakfast. We will be doing three seatings for both Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. Our doors are also open on Sunday mornings for worship services with Pastor Rick.
 Feel free to call us for more information on any of our shows or activities or drop by and pick up a schedule. Our debut shows this week are:
 Bums on Broadway: The directing team of Paul Guerrero and Frederico Fonseca have created an amazing and original dance show which will run every Friday night starting the 7th of November. "Thou shall dance!" is the most important commandment in this show. The dancers form the "congregation of the rhythm of life church" and get together whenever they can to celebrate life, love and dance. They meet under the Brooklyn Bridge create a Broadway revival with dazzling, high-energy, edge of your seat choreography as a testament that the joy of dance can help overcome ay adversity. With fabulous numbers from famous Broadway musicals including "Smokey Joe's Café", "Hairspray", "Godspell", "The Color Purple" and "Chicago" just to name a few. "Bums on Broadway" is so captivating we dare you not to jump out of your seat and join the cast in their musical celebration.
 Liza MANelli: The team that brought you "Bob Fosse and all that dance" brings their first drag show to life with Paul Guerrero starring as Liza. Accompanied by four energetic and talented back-up dancers, the show takes you on a roller coaster ride through the greatest hits of Liza Manelli. With a distinct style and impeccable taste Paul brings this American icon to life in a fun and exciting way yet to be seen. Coupled with the great choreography we have come to know and love from Freddy and Paul to songs such as "New York, New York", "Some People", "Where is the Love" and "City Lights" the audience will find a delightful, sometimes funny, sometimes dramatic, but always entertaining show Saturday night. Be sure to watch for the special guests and remember, "life is a cabaret, my friend."
 Next week the formerly mentioned shows will continue to play and we will add Fever, Nunsense and Always, Patsy Cline to the schedule.
 "Fever" is a one-woman extravaganza starring Mikki Prost, "Nunsense" is a comic romp with four nuns performing high energy show tunes to raise money for a funeral, and "Patsy" is back after 23 consecutive sold-out performances. It tells the story of Patsy Cline and her friend and fan Louise - and is not to be missed. Stay tuned for more details on all shows.
 The Santa Barbara Theater box office, located at Olas Altas 351 on the south side of Puerto Vallarta, is open seven days a week from 10 am to 6 pm. For show schedules, visit CurtainCallCommunityTheater.org. To buy your tickets online, go to SantaBarbaraTheater.com. |

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