|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | November 2008  
VYC Opening Day on Banderas Bay: Nov 8th
Ibis de Teresa - vallartayachtclub.com

Click image to enlarge | | | On Saturday, November 8th, the Vallarta Yacht Club (VYC) will be open to the public from 11 am to 10 pm, as they kick off this year's boating season with 'Opening Day on Banderas Bay,' a fun-filled day of sailing and activities for the entire family.
 The fun starts at 11 am with the raising of the Mexican, U.S. and Canadian Flags. Following the Flag Ceremony, there will be a Beginner's Sailing opportunity and public introduction to Junior Sailing on the bay. Parents and kids will have an opportunity to learn about the sport of sailing both off and on the water.
 The VYC will hold an Open House with complimentary snacks and no host drinks from noon to 6 pm. Booths will manned, providing information about club membership, the Junior Sailing Program, the Vallarta Navy League and the new BoatMexico.com website.
 At 12:30 pm a Catholic Priest will be joined by a small flotilla of dinghies and pangas. The entourage will then proceed to bless the boats in the harbor to begin the 2008-2009 Banderas Bay boating season with God's blessing.
 At 2 pm, there will be a mini Optimist and Lasers Regatta in which the Vallarta Junior Sailing Program kids will race, followed by a delicious Spaghetti Dinner, raffle and auction at 6 pm featuring amazing prizes donated by prestigious businesses such as: No Name Boutique, Vallarta Adventures, Paradise Village and Hotel El Careyes to raise funds for the VYC Junior Sailing Program.
 The VYC Junior Sailing Program goals are to:
 • To teach seamanship, sailing and racing skills, in a safe and fun environment.
 • To enable students to acquire, through the overall experience of program activities, life-long values such as sportsmanship, consideration of others, teamwork and self-reliance, as well as a love and respect for the sea.
 • To teach young people how to sail to the best of their ability and interest, and to encourage growth in skill and competence through both individual and team participation.
 • To encourage the acquisition of competitive sailing skills in regattas and in races at VYC and other Regional, National and International events.
 The funds raised in events such as this make it possible for the VYC Junior Sailing Program students to represent La Bahía de Banderas and Mexico in diverse International and National competitions and provides scholarships to talented low-income students.
 Tickets for the VYC Junior Sailing Program Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser cost just $120 pesos for adults or $60 pesos for children.
 We invite you to attend and have a fun Saturday while you help the young sailors from Bahia de Banderas.
  The Vallarta Yacht Club is located at the Paradise Village Marina in Nuevo Vallarta. For more information about the Junior Sailing Program, click HERE. To buy your tickets for the Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser, please call (322) 297-2222 or send an email to office(at)vallartayachtclub.com.
Fundraiser Junior Sailing Program Vallarta Yacht Club Nov 08 Ibis de Teresa - vallartayachtclub.com
 El sábado 8 de noviembre a las 11.00 del día tendrá lugar el evento de recaudación de fondos del Vallarta Yacht Club en Pro del Programa de Veleo Junior.
 El evento consiste en una pequeña regata en embarcaciones Optimist y Lasers de los alumnos pertenecientes al programa Juvenil de Veleo y posteriormente de una cena buffet de Spaghetti y ensaladas seguida de una divertida rifa y subasta de increíbles premios donados por importantes empresas patrocinadores como: No Name Boutique, Vallarta Adventures, Paradise Village, y Hotel El Careyes.
 El programa juvenil de veleo busca como fin la enseñanza del deporte de la vela y de las habilidades necesarias para su práctica dentro de un ambiente de amistad, seguridad y trabajo de equipo.
 Los jóvenes veleristas pertenecientes a este programa están participando y representando a la Bahía de Banderas y a México en eventos nacionales e internacionales y los fondos recaudados hacen posible esta representación, ya que estos serán destinados a continuar con los objetivos del programa y a poder financiar becas para estudiantes talentosos de bajos recursos.
 El costo del boleto del buffet para adulto es de $120 pesos y $60 pesos para Niños. Los invitamos a asistir al evento y tener un divertido sábado mientras apoya a los jóvenes veleristas de Bahía de Banderas.
 El Vallarta Yacht Club esta localizado en la Marina de Paradise Village en Nuevo Vallarta. Mas informes al teléfono (322) 297-2222 y a office(at)vallartayachtclub.com. |

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