|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | November 2008  
HO! HO! HO! Here Come the Holidays!

| For more information or to reserve your space at this special Christmas-themed Wise Wo-Men meeting on December 3rd from 10 am to 12 noon, contact Darla Fowler (322) 209-1880 or darla(at)seminarswithDarla.com. | | Creative Director and founder of Blu THE ***** Salon, Len, will be bringing to the Wise Women of Vallarta his own renowned brand of "wise" on December 3, 2008. With members of Team blu in tow, he will take us through the holidays with his own brand of humor and Holiday cheer.
 Attendees will be whisked out of the audience and receive what he calls his "Emergency Holiday Makeovers." From up-do's to make-up and his ever cutting "advice" on fashion, you never know what he will come up with let alone what will be said.
 Len says "Speaking to the Wild, Incredible, Sassy and Eclectic Women of Vallarta is one of my favorite things to do in my year. We always have a good time and there never seems to be enough time ya know what I mean?"
 "The Holiday party season is the one time when just putting yourself together is unacceptable. Dressing up and making us pretty is what I do and quite frankly, makes the party more fun to attend," remarks Len. "Why not take the time to do something fun and simple? Better yet, why do it yourself"? "Have someone else who knows what they are doing, do it for you."
 You never know what this sought after speaker and humorist will say or do. Make your reservations now for what will surely be a great way to start your Holiday fun.
 The International Friendship Clubhouse is located at Parian del Puente, where Libertad & Miramar meet in downtown Puerto Vallarta. For more information or to reserve your space at this special Christmas-themed Wise Wo-Men meeting on December 3rd from 10 am to 12 noon, contact Darla Fowler (322) 209-1880 or darla(at)seminarswithDarla.com. |

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