President Calderón Confirms Federal Government's Commitment to Combating Organized Crime
Presidencia de la República go to original

| We will not tolerate civil servants who have colluded with crime, he declares. | | President Felipe Calderón declared that Federal Government will continue its firm commitment to fighting organized crime and re-establishing legal order and security in the country.
 During his celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the National Chamber of the Industry of Restaurants and Spiced Foods (CANIRAC), the President said that he will continue with his decision to eradicate corruption.
 "We have launched Operation Clean-Up because we will not tolerate civil servants who have colluded with crime in Federal Government. I do not care how long they have colluding, the point is that we are going to act as we have done, with determination," he declared.
 Addressing an audience of restaurant owners, President Felipe Calderón said that during the first two years of his government, the authorities have worked ceaselessly on security issues. For example, they impounded a record amount of cocaine, 24 tons in Manzanillo, seized the largest amount of cash, $205 million USD and confiscated the largest amount of weapons from organized crime in the world, 500 firearms, half a million cartridges and 200 grenades.
 "We have attacked all the structures of organized crime in Mexico and seized several of their leaders: in the case of the Tijuana Cartel, Eduardo Arellano Félix, in the case of the Pacific Cartel, Beltrán Leyva, alias "El Mochomo" and in the case of the Gulf Cartel, in the past three weeks, they have arrested Hummer and Amarillo and JC, and put several other criminals behind bars," he explained.
 The President added that since August 21, the day the National Security, Legality and Justice Agreement was signed, federal forces have arrested a gang of kidnappers every two days.
 In this respect, he declared that in addition to providing security and peace of mind for Mexico’s restaurant owners, government is continuing to promote specific measures to benefit this industry.
 These include the Franchise System, particularly in the food and beverage sector, where the goal for 2012 is to have 2,000 of these operating, which will create nearly a million and a half jobs.
 There is also Modernize Quality Program, designed for restaurant firms in tourist resorts.
 In 2009, in conjunction with the Tourism Secretariat and the Tourist Promotion Council, a campaign will be launched to promote Mexican restaurants. SECTUR and the Economy Secretariat will explore schemes to benefit small and medium tourist businesses. This year alone, they have supported the sector by providing 2,000 firms in the sector with $115 million pesos and for 2009, they plan to assist another 6,000.
 "During this celebration, I would like to tell you once again, that my government is determined, regardless of the external circumstances we may have to deal with, that the Mexican government is determined to strengthen, redouble, and multiply its efforts to help businessmen in Mexico who, like ourselves, continue to bet on this country." |