Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| High season is here and every day brings more and more fun things to do while you're Out and About in Puerto Vallarta. Twila's got the scoop on what's going on around the Bay, so if you want to be 'in the know' be sure to read this week's edition. | | U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met with Mexico's Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa here in Puerto Vallarta October 22 and 23 to discuss drug crime in Mexico, spilling across the Mexican border into the U.S. Security was extensive at the local airport and in Marina Vallarta where the meeting was held.
 The U.S. has pledged aid to Mexico to curb spreading drug crime through the Merida Initiative, a $400-million-dollar anti-drug crime aid package signed into law in June by President George W. Bush. Much of the resources include helicopters and surveillance airplanes. Other U.S. big-money projects also are in effect. More than 4,000 persons have died in Mexico so far this year in the drug war.
 The first presentation to Wise Wo-men of Vallarta will be Wednesday, November 5, by Leer y Crecer (Read and Grow), designed by National Honor Society students of the American School of Vallarta. The meeting is at 10 am at the International Friendship Club on Libertad. Wise Wo-men was founded by international seminar speaker Darla Fowler.
 Coco's breakfasts at Barrio Sur on Pulpito are a hit, as usual. Lunch also is served.
 Acting classes for children and adults begin Monday, November 17, at Santa Barbara Theater, 351 Olas Altas. Professional actress and teacher Liv Boughn is conducting classes on theater games/sports, improvisation, comedy, teamwork, articulation, character work, and self-expression. Email Liv at pvactress(at)hotmail.com or telephone 044-322-137-5777.
 Actress Patrice White has returned from Germany to Vallarta.
 On U.S. election night, Tuesday, November 4, Democrats Abroad here will celebrate beginning at 8 pm at Marazul restaurant on Los Muertos beach. A buffet dinner is from 9-10:30 pm. For more information, click HERE. For reservations, email chair.banderas(at)mexicodemocrats.org.
 Visual artist Laura Diaz de la Garza paints beautifully on furniture. For further information, email loridi2000(at)hotmail.com.
 The Artisan Bakery is producing those wonderful breads at Morelos 875. Jaime and Lorene have built quite a business. Breakfast sweets should be available in the morning.
 La Bodeguita del Medio, a Cuban restaurant on the north end of the Malecon, is in my neighborhood. I eat lunch there every now and then. Usually young women wait on me. Well, not since my early career days when a lone woman was suspect for lack of enough tip money, or we just weren't suppose to be there, have I had a waiter, this one named Jose, ignore me. I then talked to Antonio de Alba of La Bodeguita del Medio... his attitude was as bad - "What should I do?" Don't worry, I told him. Apparently in this restaurant's macho world, unless you are two or more, to possibly provide hefty tips, forget it. Do you ever have such experiences around town?
 With hosting The Weekend Beat last week here on BanderasNews, among persons I have heard from are high school classmates. That's history, for sure.
 An owner of a well-known bakery here says 30 percent of his sales are to coffee shops and restaurants, including in hotels, and he says his sales are down considerably. He also says he is doing better than many businesses. He points out, "There's always a birthday or other celebrations."
 A number of comments ask why our editor, Allyna Vineberg, was never thanked publicly for her years of service to this community at the Tribune. And for all of that lively writing that brought in a lot of advertising.
 Well, Allyna has her own newspaper now, PV Mirror, and she threw a rip roarin' party for her contributors. Bruce and Julia at TeatroLimon restaurant were terrific hosts.
 Everyone seemed to be thrilled to meet the owner with the parrot-writer, Maximiliano IV - Emperor of Mexico. The owner, and we suspect the real writer, is William Weston. He comes here from a career in advertising in Chicago. If you want to say hello, he takes "Max" the parrot for an hour-long walk in Marina Vallarta starting at 8:30 am.
 We had a lively table, to say the least, with Gil Gevins, Lucy Muniz, Len - yes "that one" - Gary Beck of restaurant review fame, the parrot's owner William Weston, and me. It was delightful to meet Cia Sun of the Sun Spots column. Let me tell you, you are dealing with reading some bright, bright - and fun - writers.
 Hurry on Saturday to get your PV Mirror. They more than likely will be picked up by readers by early on Sunday.
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the PV Mirror and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. |