|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | December 2008  
International Friendship Club Gives Books to Local Schools
Mel Bornstein - PVNN

| With the help of the IFC and customs, Glenn brought in 650 Spanish books for distribution in 16 primary schools in the Banderas Bay area. |  | Glenn Baron, a young retired Veterinarian from North Carolina decided he wanted to teach young children in his area, so he returned to college to complete his education studies. When he received his degree in education, Glenn chose to teach in 5th and 6th grades "where the formative years are" for children.
 When he spoke to Mel Bornstein, chairman of Education for the International Friendship Club, he made up his mind to make reading material available for the children in outlying areas of Puerto Vallarta to help to increase their knowledge as well as expand their minds as to what life and other children in the world do and learn ... and what literature offers.
 With the help of the IFC and customs here, Glenn brought in 650 Spanish books whose titles were researched extensively for content as well as variety and interests.
 Plans where then made for distribution to the primary school in Mismaloya as well as in Cabos Corriente. In all, sixteen schools received these books that the children can take home to read and afterwards exchange for more books from the "new in-school" library that Glenn created for them. He also brought maps of the world for all the children to study in class, enabling them to make a reference to countries that may be mentioned in the books.
 Thank you Glenn Baron from all of us at the Puerto Vallarta International Friendship Club. The appreciation shown by the teachers, administrators and the children was indescribable! |

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