|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | December 2008  
December Events in San Pancho, Nayarit
Gail Mitchell - PVNN

| For more information about these events please contact entreAmigos at 322-117-1677. |  | Join entreAmigos and the San Francisco, Nayarit (San Pancho) community in December with holiday events that will provide lasting memories.
 On Thursday, December 11th, the season opening of the entreAmigos Gallery Store is the perfect opportunity to explore all of the beautiful art and products created by local artists. When you find that unique gift for someone special, you support entreAmigos and families in San Pancho, making Navidad even brighter by your purchase.
 The traditional Mexican Posada is an event you won't want to miss. Be part of the biggest holiday street party in San Pancho on Saturday, December 20th. You won't forget the carolers, the colorful piñatas, the feast of food, or the joy of being part of the community.
 All month entreAmigos will be accepting donations of canned or boxed food and toys. These donations will be sorted, wrapped and distributed on Tuesday, December 23, 2008. Volunteers are welcome to help to get things ready starting at 9 am in front of the entreAmigos store.
 San Pancho's first ever Art Walk will be held on Friday, December 26th at the galleries and stores located on Ave. Tercer Mundo in San Pancho.
 December 27 & 28, 2008 is the annual Art Festival produced by the Colectivo. The Colectivo is a cooperative of artists in San Pancho, they are recognized as the major impulse behind San Pancho's diverse cultural and artistic offerings.
 Their annual Art Festival, now in its third year, includes parades, live shows, sculptures, workshops and the presentation of local and invited artists. This year, scheduled events will take place throughout San Pancho, as well as at the Plaza. Plan to be here for both spectacular days.
 For more information about these events please contact entreAmigos at 322-117-1677.

entreAmigos is a 501 c3 non-profit community organization that was established in 2006 to increase learning opportunities for children and families in San Pancho. Among its many accomplishments, this unique organization provides a library and education center and provides much needed scholarships to families in San Pancho. To learn more, please visit EntreAmigos.org.mx. |

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