|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | December 2008  
PVJC Chanukah Dinner & Happy Celebration
Mel Bornstein - PVNN

| A PVJC Chanukah Dinner and Happy Celebration will be held at 5:30 pm on Dec. 21 at the River Cafe. Call 221-5659 or email melbornstein(at)hotmail.com for reservations. |  | The Puerto Vallarta Jewish Community invites you to join us at the magnificent River Cafe Restaurant on Sunday, December 21st at 5:30 pm for a PVJC Chanukah Dinner and Happy Celebration.
 A fabulous buffet dinner will be served, which, along with loads of crispy potato Latkes, includes:
 • Matzoh Ball Soup • Herb-Roasted Vegetables • Green Salad with Tangerine Segments • Roasted Chicken with lemons and thyme • Beef Brisket in a red wine sauce • Strawberry Sufganiot (Jewish Filled Doughnuts) • Raisin Farfel Kugel • Mandlebrot (Jewish-style Biscotti) • Apricot Rugelach • Red & White Wine • Coffee, Sodas & Juices • Cash Cocktail Bar
 Dinner will be served at 5:30 pm (early sunset) and the price is $350 pesos per person. Children will be charged a lesser cost and receive Chanukah gelt as gifts.
 Bring your menorah if you wish - this will be the first night, and we have candles if you need. We are looking forward to seeing all of you... casual dress is fine!
 Please call me at (322) 221-5659 or send an email to melbornstein(at)hotmail.com to make your reservations. |

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