|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | December 2008  
PV Wise Wo-Men Welcome Kelly Trainor

| U.S. Consular Agent Kelly Trainor will be speaking at the December 17 Wise Wo-Men of Vallarta meeting. For more information, send an email to wise_wo.menseminars(at)yahoo.com. |  | The Wise Wo-Men of Vallarta welcome U.S. Consular Agent, Kelly Trainor, who will be speaking at the International Friendship Clubhouse, Parian del Puente, where Libertad and Miramar meet in downtown Puerto Vallarta, on Wednesday, December 17th from 10 am to 12 noon.
 This November 1st marks Kelly's 10 year Anniversary of being appointed as the U.S. Consular Agent of Vallarta, so her topic for this year is: U.S. Consular Services provided by the U.S. Consular Agency Vallarta.
 Ms. Trainor will explain emergency services in the event of: death, hospitalization, illness or incarceration; non-emergency services, such as obtaining or renewing a U.S. passports. She will also give us some general tips on living and doing business in Puerto Vallarta.
 Representing the American government in Vallarta for a decade now, Kelly is a familiar figure in the community. Helping people comes naturally to her, whether with consular services or charitable projects, the list of which is endless. And she credits her happy family life with giving her the energy to be so involved.
 There is no charge for the Wise Wo-Men Program, but we do request that you bring a donation of canned goods, clothing or toiletries, etc. for our local charities.
 For more information, please contact us at wise_wo.menseminars(at)yahoo.com. We hope to see you there - and don't forget to bring your friends! |

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