|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | December 2008  
Navarrete Donates Hippopotamus to PV Zoo

| America's second goalkeeper and soccer star Armando Navarrete with Zoologico de Vallarta Owner/Vice President, Martin Castaneda. |  | America's second goalkeeper and soccer star, Armando Navarrete, showed that he is a man of his word by donating - as he had promised Puerto Vallarta Zoo Vice President, Martin Castaneda, eight months ago - an animal. This little animal turned out to be Ugly Lety, a beautiful dwarf hippopotamus.
 A while ago, a circus came to Puerto Vallarta, and this cute hippopotamus was one of its main attractions. A day later, Zoologico de Vallarta directors went to see the show in order to get a closer look at Ugly Lety.
 After the show, PV Zoo directors met with the hippopotamus' owners and discussed the possibility of buying Lety, arguing that the circus was not the ideal place for her.
 At first the zoo's offer was rejected, but after several days of negotiating for Lety's wellbeing the hippo's owners agreed to sell her to the Puerto Vallarta Zoo, admitting that it would be a far better place for her. Once the deal was closed, zoo directors began thinking about who they could encourage to buy Lety and donate her to the zoo.
 That is when Armando Navarrete's promise was remembered. Castaneda called him, explained the situation, and Navarrete immediately agreed to take care of the purchase. Today, visitors get to see Ugly Lety perfectly adapted to her new surroundings in the company of the many other animals from around the world that are living comfortably at the Puerto Vallarta Zoo.
 Located just south of Puerto Vallarta in the jungles of Mismaloya, Zoologico de Vallarta is open daily from 10 am to 6 pm. For more information click HERE, call (322) 228-0501, or visit the website at ZoologicoDeVallarta.com.
Portero Americanista y Lety la Fea PVNN
 El segundo portero americanista del futbol Armando Navarrete demostro que tambien tiene palabra y cumplio la promesa hecha meses atras a su amigo Martin Castaneda (vicepresidente del Zoologico de Vallarta) de obsequiarles un animalito para su coleccion y resulta que ese animalito resulto ser Lety la fea, una hermosa hipopotamo enana.
 En una ocasion vino a Puerto Vallarta un circo y curiosamente su atraccion principal era esta simpatica hipopotamo, un dia despues de escuchar rumores llega parte de los directivos del zoologico de Vallarta a ver la funcion pero en realidad su interes real era ver a lety la fea.
 Al finalizar el espectaculo se reunieron con los duenos y se hablo sobre la posibilidad de comprarla argumentando que ese no era el lugar ideal para este animalito, al principio hubo cierto rechazo hacia la propuesta pero despues de estar insistiendo durante varios dias alegando el bienestar de Lety por fin accedieron a venderla reconociendo que ahi estaria mucho mejor... al tener la promesa de venta se penso en buscar alguna persona que quisiera comprarla y obsequiarla al zoologico pero recordando la promesa de Armando Navarrete se le llamo y se le comento el asunto, aceptando el de forma inmediata hacerse cargo de la compra.
 Hoy los visitantes pueden ver a Lety la Fea en las instalaciones del Zoologico de Vallarta perfectamente adaptada a su nuevo hogar y en compania de muchos otros animalitos.
 Para más información al respecto, HAZ CLIC AQUÍ, llame el parque al (322) 228-0501 y/o (322) 228-0955, o enviar un correo electronico a info(at)zoologicodevallarta.com. |

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