|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | December 2008  
Violence will be Met by Firm Action on the Part of the State: President Felipe Calderón
Presidencia de la República go to original

| During the Commemorative Ceremony for the 193rd Anniversary of the Death of José María Morelos y Pavón, a minute of silence was observed for the soldiers whose bodies were found in Chilpancingo. |  | Mexico City - President Felipe Calderón declared that Mexico is stronger than any gang of criminals, adding that his government will not step back in the fight against crime, nor cease in its efforts to combat the country's obvious enemies.
 “That is why we are determined to carry out this struggle to the end. Violence will be met by firm action on the part of the state,” he said.
He recalled the fact that Mexico is waging a war against various criminal groups, which for decades managed to penetrate the country's institutions and corrupt segments of society.
 He added that these persons are traitors who, in order to expand their interests, are capable of undertaking barbaric acts and attacking not only the fabric of society but Mexicans' highest values: life, security and freedom.
 That is why, explained the President, nowadays Mexico’s fight against crime is a priority for the Mexican state and its institutions.
 As part of the Commemorative Ceremony for the 193rd Anniversary of the Death of José María Morelos y Pavón, during which a minute of silence was observed for the soldiers whose bodies were found in Chilpancingo, Guerrero, on Sunday, President Felipe Calderón said that what would ensure the success of this task would be the union of all Mexicans.
 He therefore urged the branches of government, state and municipal governments and society as a whole to confirm the National Agreement for Security, Justice and Legality and fulfill the commitments contained in it.
 “The essence of this agreement is to acknowledge the fact that we all have something to contribute to Mexico and its future, because achieving a peaceful future depends on what we do today as we are united in a common front,” he declared.
 The president urged all Mexicans to take part in the struggle by denouncing those that commit crimes because the enemy, he said, should not enjoy the shelter or protection of society. “Those who support and conceal them are also betraying Mexico," he declared.
 After paying tribute to the soldiers that died in the fulfillment of their duty in the state of Guerrero, the President declared that their deaths will not be in vain. “We must concentrate our efforts to bring those responsible for these cowardly acts to justice," he declared.
 The President then mentioned the soldiers' names, Including. Second Infantry Captain Ervin Hernández Umaña; First Infantry Sergeant, Carlos Alberto Navarrete Moreno; First Informatics Sergeant, Juan Humberto Tapia Romero; Second Gardening Sergeant, Ricardo Marcos Chino; Infantry Lieutenant, José González Mentado; Infantry Lietenant, Juan Muñoz Morales; Infantry Soldier, Julián Teresa Cruz; and Infantry Lieutenant, Catarino Martínez Morales.
 A propos of the event, President Calderón explained:
 “We know that these cowardly murders attempt to frighten the state and society and paralyze the Mexican state's actions against crime. This is, as I have said, a result of the blows the Armed Forces have given the criminal organizations that have damaged both its functional and economic structure."
 The President said that his government will continue with the operational effort to guarantee Mexicans' security throughout the country and insisted that, far from intimidating the Armed Forces, the latter are more determined than ever to fulfill their duty regarding the country's domestic security.
 President Calderón said that Morelos understood that the cause of National Independence required an institutional framework, institutions loyal to the sons of this noble earth so that Mexicans will stop being subjects and become free citizens.
 “The servant of the nation knew that it was essential to create a State that would use the law to guarantee the equality and freedom of all Mexicans," he said.
 The President declared that, as Morelos said, it was up to every generation: To fulfill a mission on earth and that there are generations that must fight for their freedom and others that must fight to preserve this freedom.
 He concluded by saying that, "By following the example of the servant of the nation and by following the examples of our heroes, we will defeat Mexico's enemies." |

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