|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | December 2008  
Vicente Fox Calls Chavez an 'Ass'; Offers Advice to Obama
Mari Suyama - WorldMeet go to original

| "The worst thing we can do is to listen to those who are saying that the free market economy is of no use ... which is what that ass Hugo Chavez is saying." - Former Mexican President Vicente Fox |  | The long-running feud between former Mexican President Vicente Fox and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez broke out in the open again last week, when Fox called Chavez an 'ass' for opposing free trade. The rivalry began in 2005, over the same issues and Chavez' tendency to insult Mexico.
 In a video of a conference hosted by Vicente Fox on Thursday in his native state of Guanajuato, and which hit the Internet on Friday, the former Mexican head of state renewed his attacks on Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. In 2005, the two engaged in a sharp verbal exchange.
 "The worst thing we can do is to listen to those who are saying that the free market economy is of no use ... which is what that ass Hugo Chavez is saying," Fox said, who also labeled the Venezuelan ruler "messianic," along with the presidents of Bolivia, Evo Morales; of Ecuador, Rafael Correa; and of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega.
 Fox explained that the research center he opened in his San Cristobal country home in Guanajuato is devoted to defending democracy and the free market economy from the disturbing wave of thinking that has emerged in Latin America.
 "There are still those who are mired in the past, the past of socialism and communism and with the idea that a market economy is never going to solve the problem of poverty," said the controversial former Mexican President.
 Fox directed a barrage of suggestions to the president-elect of the United States, Barack Obama, concerning immigration and free trade, and he even said he anticipates contacting the Democratic Party to offer two studies that have been conducted by his research center.
 Obama "will have to step firmly into reality … because he failed to do so during his campaign. He questioned the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) when one of its biggest beneficiaries is precisely his country. Nor did he clearly address the situation of immigrants and their tremendous value they add to the United States economy," he added.
 Despite the close relationship Fox had with President George W. Bush, whom he invited to go horseback riding on his ranch, he also indirectly criticized him by emphasizing that Obama, "has the great challenge and obligation to acquire a better understanding of Latin America, because we have been all but forgotten."
 During Fox’s presidency, Mexican relations with Latin American countries, notably Venezuela and Cuba, fell to historic lows due to a number of disagreements that arose during international summits. |

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