|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | December 2008  
Fighting Corruption and Accountability, Priority for the Government: President Calderón
Presidencia de la República go to original

| President Presents National Program of Accountability, Transparency and Fighting Corruption 2008-2012 |  | Mexico D.F. - President Felipe Calderón led the presentation of the National Program of Accountability, Transparency and Fighting Corruption 2008-2012 and declared that Federal Government is determined to solve this problem, which is why it is promoting an anti-corruption policy with a state vision.
 He declared that crime fighting, accountability and transparency are a priority for his government, since they are requirements for our democracy and its viability.
 As part of the International Day against Corruption, President Calderón declared:
“We are determined to instill new social values in civil service. We act under society’s gaze and public scrutiny, because we know that this is the only way to restore citizens' confidence in the authorities and we do this because this is an open government with no secrets, a government committed to transparency and crime fighting.
 Accompanied by Civil Service Secretary Salvador Vega Casillas, the president declared that this is government and society's way of putting an end to corruption and bad practices, a zero-tolerance commitment to corruption, bribes, extortion, tricks, influence peddling and cronyism in government purchases, as well as the waste of public resources.
 He explained that the program is based on six pillars. The first is to consolidate a state policy on information, transparency and accountability, in addition to complying with the new legal and institutional framework that will guarantee Mexicans’ right to information.
 The second is to reinforce the control of public resources and improve the internal control of Federal Public Administration, an aspect in which, he declared, a major effort has been made to ensure the good use of treasury funds which has eliminated corruption in PEMEX, DICONSA, customs houses and areas linked to the construction of public works.
 He reported that over 11,500 civil servants have been sanctioned and penalized for nearly four billion pesos. Moreover, over the past year, over $2.6 billion pesos have been recovered that had either not been spent by federal departments or misused and state governments have been asked to return another $500 million pesos to public funds.
 The third area is to contribute to the development of a culture of legality that will emphasize ethics and public responsibility. The fourth area is to institutionalize civic participation in fighting corruption and improving transparency.
 The fifth area of the program involves establishing new coordination mechanisms to fight corruption throughout Federal Public Administration, stated the president, adding that collaboration between the organizations responsible is crucial to preventing, discouraging and sanctioning civil servants that engage in illegal acts.
 The sixth area of the program, he said, is fighting corruption in federal public security and justice institutions, and reported that Operation Clean-Up will continue operating against policemen, agents, State Prosecutor’s Offices and any other public servant involved in acts of corruption or who have become involved in crime.
 Lastly, President Calderón explained: “Efforts to eradicate corruption in all spheres of public life, but particularly the police and state prosecutor’s office, in the delicate task of public security and the procurement and administration of justice requires not only will power but the firm commitment of all orders of government and public power without exception." |

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