|  |  | Technology News | December 2008  
Americans Prefer News From Web Than Newspapers
Agence France-Presse go to original
 The Internet has surpassed newspapers as the main source for national and international news for Americans, according to a new survey.
 Television, however, remains the preferred medium for Americans, according to the survey by the Washington-based Pew Research Center for the People & the Press.
 Seventy percent of the 1,489 people surveyed by Pew said television is their primary source for national and international news.
 Forty percent said they get most of their news from the Internet, up from 24 percent in September 2007, and more than the 35 percent who cited newspapers as their main news source.
 Only 59 percent of people younger than 30 years old prefer television, Pew said, down from 68 percent in the September 2007 survey.
 The latest survey was conducted December 3-7 and released on Tuesday. Pew did not provide the margin of error. |

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