|  |  | Technology News | December 2008  
Latino Consumers and Small Businesses Call for More Transparency in Online Privacy Policies
The Latino Coalition go to original
 Today The Latino Coalition urged companies that market over the Internet to join AT&T in endorsing four key principles that will protect consumers and the privacy of their online communication and activity.
 "Consumers and small businesses may not be aware that their Internet use is tracked by companies that turn around and offer advertising based on their online behavior," said Hector Barreto, Chairman, The Latino Coalition. "We have no objection to customized advertising based on consumers' Internet use, but we strongly believe consumers and small businesses should be in control of their online privacy. Companies tracking our online behaviors should seek our permission for behavioral tracking in advance and allow us to decide if customized advertising enhances our unique online experience."
 In recent testimony before the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee, AT&T introduced four privacy principles for online behavioral advertising that The Latino Coalition supports. The company committed to telling consumers how companies will collect, use and protect their information, to collecting and using information only on consumers who provide advance affirmative consent to the program, to ensuring that all measures are employed to keep personal information confidential, and to delivering on the promise of online behavioral advertising by giving the consumer valuable and customized information and offers.
 "The Latino Coalition believes these four principles are good for Latinos and all consumers. AT&T is to be commended for putting this stake in the ground and committing to these principles," Barreto said. "We urge all companies that offer Internet search engines, email programs and other online tools to also commit to these principles. Privacy is a critical consumer issue and deserves the highest level of commitment."
 About The Latino Coalition
 The Latino Coalition (TLC) is a non-profit, nationwide organization based in Los Angeles, Calif., with offices in Washington, D.C., and Mexico (Mexico City & Guadalajara). TLC was established to address policy issues that directly affect the well being of Hispanics in the United States. TLC's agenda is to develop and promotes policies that will foster economic equivalency and enhance overall business, economic and social development of Hispanics. For more information, visit TLC's website at http://www.TheLatinoCoalition.com |

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