|  |  | Americas & Beyond | December 2008  
US Gay Rights Activists Calling in Gay to Work Today
AZFamily go to original
 Phoenix - Gay employees are calling into work all over the country today.
 Activists are calling Wednesday "Day Without A Gay," and the objective is similar to "Day Without a Mexican" protests that have taken place in the past.
 Demonstrators, like many of those who protested Proposition 102 recently in Mesa, planned to stay home on Wednesday and not spend any money with the goal of showcasing their potential economic impact.
 Events reportedly are going on all over the country to protest various initiatives, including California's Proposition 8. Like our Arizona's Proposition 102, Prop. 8 defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman.
 Organizers of "Day Without a Gay" planned it to coincide with International Human Rights Day. They're encouraging those who participate to spend the day doing volunteer work.
 The Associated Press contributed to this report. |

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