|  |  | Americas & Beyond | December 2008  
Mexico Welcomes Cuba to Rio Group
Presidencia de la República go to original

| "Cuba has joined the Río Group with the aim of encouraging cooperation and solidarity between our nations," declared President Castro. |  | Bahía, Brazil - In his capacity as Pro Tempore Secretary, Mexican President Felipe Calderón formally welcomed Cuba to the Río Group as a member country with full rights.
 The meeting of this mechanism of dialogue and reconciliation was held as part of the Latin American and Caribbean Summit on Integration and Development held in this bathing resort on the initiative of President Luis Inácio Lula da Silva.
 The Mexican President declared that Cuba's participation will reinforce this mechanism and provide a valuable contribution to the work and construction of a common destination, on the basis of shared principles and values.
 He said that member countries should take advantage of the Río Group's capacity to secure the participation of several countries in order to contribute to the efforts of coordination, cooperation, convergence and exchange of experiences between the various types of integration existing in the region.
 "It is also an ideal opportunity to repeat the hope that all Latin American and Caribbean states will advance determinedly towards regional unity and the quest for an organization that will fully identify and link us as sister nations, united in fundamental historic, cultural and political coincidences, beyond our natural differences," he explained.
 During his intervention, Cuba President Raúl Castro considered that for his country, this is a moment of enormous importance in its history. He added that Cuba hailed Mexico's role in strengthening the Río Group, ever since President Calderón assumed the Pro Tempore Secretaryship in March of this year.
 "Cuba has joined the Río Group with the aim of encouraging cooperation and solidarity between our nations. It does so with the aim of working to achieve justice, peace, development and understanding between all our nations," declared President Castro. |

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