|  |  | Business News | December 2008  
Congress to Highlight Rising Counterfeiting in Latin America
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| The Fifth Global Congress to provide a forum for participants to discuss and identify effective actions and solutions to address the growing problem of product counterfeiting and piracy. |  | Paris - The Fifth Global Congress on Counterfeiting and Piracy to be held June 2-4, 2009 in Cancun, Mexico, will discuss the rising tide of counterfeiting in Mexico, Central and South America, a press release by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) stated.
 Latin American countries have seen an upsurge in trade of counterfeit products, both local manufacturing for export and imports for sale in the region, spurred by a history of economic and political crises and because enforcement authorities have been overwhelmed with other duties.
 The Congress is the pre-eminent global forum for developing practical strategies that address the shared challenges posed by the global problem of counterfeiting and piracy. The public-private partnership of the World Customs Organization, INTERPOL, and the World Intellectual Property Organization is held with the cooperation of the private sector, including the ICCs Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy.
 The Congress is aimed at fostering greater international cooperation and coordination among governments, policymakers, business, and law enforcement. Attendance of over 1,000 participants is expected from among the ranks of government ministers, judges, non-governmental organizations, senior business leaders and industry groups, and will receive the support of the Mexican government.
 Counterfeiting and piracy continue to expand worldwide, threatening health and safety, restricting economic development, reducing government revenues, and damaging businesses and brand reputations. These illegal activities have infiltrated virtually every industry sector.
 What is more, piracy and counterfeiting hurt the incentive system behind Intellectual Property, thwarting investment and innovation. |

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