|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | January 2009  
Vallarta to Host 11th International Fireworks Symposium April 20-24, 2009
Banderas News Team
 It's Official: Mayor Javier Bravo has received official confirmation that the 11th International Fireworks Art Symposium will be held here in Puerto Vallarta from April 20 to 24, 2009.

| As part of Puerto Vallarta's 90th Anniversary celebration, a National Fireworks Competition turned the Puerto Vallarta Sports Stadium into a dazzling fiesta full of bright lights and colors last June. (Willy and Rocio Flores Photography) |  | Other international destinations were competing with Puerto Vallarta to be the venue for this spectacular event, among them Brazil and China. The confirmation came during Mayor Bravo's summer visit to Montreal, Canada, where the 10th Annual Fireworks Festival took place.
 The official hotel for the 11th Annual International Fireworks Art Symposium will be the Puerto Vallarta Sheraton Buganvilias Resort and Convention Center, which will serve as a meeting point for internationally famous fireworks manufacturers to exchange the latest technologies and ideas with other members of the pyrotechnic industry.
 The fireworks symposium also gives pyrotechnical showmen from around the world the chance to showcase their various disciplines and specialties. Various product demonstrations and shows will be open to the public during the event, including traditional fireworks displays evoking Mexican fiestas and folklore presented by fireworks companies from several states in Mexico, including Jalisco, Tlaxcala and Mexico D.F., among others.
 There will also be other musical fireworks shows throughout the four-day event, as well as product demonstrations from international companies, and on one night of the symposium, a spectacular display of the finest and newest fireworks will be displayed.
 In anticipation of the 2009 event, Puerto Vallarta Mayor Javier Bravo initiated Mexico's First National Fireworks Championship on May 30, 2008. Held at the Augustine Contreras Flowers Sports Stadium as part of the city's 90th Anniversary celebration, this spectacular Fireworks Fiesta was a dazzling success. |

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