|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | January 2009  
Living Healthy in Mexico Lecture
T.J. Hartung - PVNN

| Vallarta Orchid Society lecture series continues with 'Living Healthy in Mexico, Prevention and Vaccination' |  | This month the Vallarta Orchid Society will have a guest speaker, Dr. Luis Suárez López, an expert in traveler's medicine and tropical diseases. His topic will be "Living Healthy in Mexico, Prevention and Vaccination." As an added convenience for those attending, he will offer a vaccination clinic at the same time.
 The talk will take place at the Vallarta Botanical Gardens on Saturday, January 31, starting at 1 pm. There is no charge to attend this talk, but the Botanical Gardens requests a small donation for entrance to the grounds
 The vaccinations that will be offered include:
 • Flu shot (vaccine 2008-2009) $300 pesos; • Pneumonia shot (5 years of protection) $450 pesos;• Typhoid fever shot (3 years of protection) $500.00 pesos;• Hepatitis $750 pesos;• Hepatitis B $450 pesos;• Tetanus booster $150 pesos;• Yellow fever vaccine $900 pesos with international certificate
 In order to insure a sufficient quantity of vaccines are on hand, if you intend to receive a shot, please send your name and the vaccinations you want to receive to pvorchids(at)gmail.com, before Friday, January 30, 2009.
 If you are unable to attend, but wish to receive one or more of these vaccinations, send your name and the vaccinations you want to receive to the same email address and we will make arrangements for you.
 Who should receive these vaccinations?
 • Flu shots are highly recommended for: Persons older than 50 years with or without accompanied diseases; Residents of long-term care facilities; Persons from ages 2-64 years with co-morbid conditions, particularly diabetes and respiratory problems; children aged 6 -23 months; pregnant women; health-care personnel who provide direct patient care; household contacts and out-of-home caregivers of children aged less than 6 months; and International travelers.
 • Pneumonia shots are highly recommended for older adults or adults with chronic medical conditions, like Diabetes Mellitus, cancer, heart diseases. The bacteria that causes pneumonia is also responsible for meningitis, otitis media, sinusitis, peritonitis and arthritis.
 • Typhoid fever shots are highly recommended for travelers in Mexico to areas where food and water are likely to be contaminated. Typhoid fever is a life-threatening illness caused by Salmonella bacteria.
 • Hepatitis A shots are highly recommended for persons in developing countries where poor sanitation results in contamination of groundwater, tap water, and well water. Outbreaks of hepatitis A are also caused by contaminated food that has been eaten uncooked or has been contaminated by an infected food handler.
 • Hepatitis B shots are highly recommended for persons who could be exposed through activities that involve contact with blood or blood-derived fluids, sexual contact, exchange of bodily fluids, and injections from contaminated needles (e.g., tattooing or body piercing) or syringes. Hepatitis B virus is highly endemic in Southeast Asia, the Pacific regions and West Africa. It is common in Mexico, South and Central America, the Indian subcontinent and the Middle East.
 • Tetanus booster shots are highly recommended for adults every 10 years. Commonly called lockjaw, symptoms (stiffness and spasms of jaw, neck and other muscles) may appear from a few days to several weeks after tetanus bacteria enter your body through a wound. Tetanus may be fatal despite treatment.
 • Yellow fever shots are highly recommended for people traveling this year to South America, Africa or some areas of Asia. This shot comes with an international certificate.
 The Vallarta Botanical Gardens has a large collection of orchids and other plants from the area. Also, you'll find a restaurant, a swimming hole in the river, shade houses where young plants get their start, and a number of trails thru the jungle areas. For more information on the Botanical Gardens, visit their web site at VallartaBotanicalGardensAC.org.
 The gardens are located 24 Km south of town, just 3 Km past Chico's Paradise. The bus to El Tuito will stop at the entrance to the Gardens, and will return you to town. There is a small fee (donation) for entrance to the gardens.
 For more information on this talk, or the Vallarta Orchid Society, send an email to pvorchids(at)gmail.com. Also visit the Vallarta Orchid Society website: PvOrchids.com. |

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