|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | January 2009  
Mexico Bids for Hosting FIFA World Cup in 2018 or 2022
Wang Guanqun - Xinhua go to original

| The FIFA World Cup (often called the Football World Cup, Soccer World Cup or simply the World Cup) is the most important competition in international football, and the world's most representative team sport event. Organised by Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the sport's governing body, the World Cup is contested by the men's national football teams of FIFA member nations. The championship has been awarded every four years since the first tournament in 1930 (except in 1942 and 1946 due to World War II), however, it is more of an ongoing event as the qualifying rounds of the competition take place over the three years preceding the final rounds. |  | Mexico City, - The General Secretary of the Mexican Federation of Football, Decio de Maria, announced on Friday that they had sent to the Federation of International Football Associations (FIFA) a letter to request the hosting of the World Cup 2018 or 2022.
 "Today we sent our request to hold the World Cup 2018 or 2022,"Maria said.
 "Mexico has a fame in the football world, and it has organized two World Cups and one Confederation Cup. Mexico also has the possibility of attracting all the Latin Americans who watch football in the U.S.," Maria added.
 Mexico hosted the world Cups of 1970 and 1986. France, Italy and Brazil also held the World Cup twice.
 Maria said that the request of the candidature encourage the Mexican football sector to improve the stadiums and a better infrastructure in the country.
 Besides Mexico, in the North-Centralamerica and the Caribbean Football Confederation, the U.S. has also risen its hand to organize one of the World Cups of 2018 or 2022. |

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