|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico | January 2009  
Sports is the Best Preventive Tool as Regards Addictions and Security: President Calderón
Presidencia de la República go to original
 President Felipe Calderón declared that sport is the best preventive tool as regards addictions and security, which is why he considered that the massification of sport is essential for the country.
 As he led the presentation of the National Strategy for Physical Culture and Sports on the esplanade of the Monument to Francisco I. Madero at the official Los Pinos residence, the President said that it one of his government's priorities to make sport and physical exercise an engine for Mexicans' development.
 "I would urge all those involved in the National System of Physical Culture and Sports, researchers, sponsors, communicators and of course sportsmen and women to work together for a new era in Mexican sport," said President Calderón.
 He asked the country to close ranks to ensure that Mexico stops being a country of exceptions as regards sports and becomes a nation of broad, recurrent possibilities, achievements, medals and championships, which will continue to be the pride of Mexicans.
 In essence, he said that the strategy aims to turn sport into Mexico's axis of social and human development on the basis of achieving two fundamental objectives: making physical activity and sport a life habit for Mexicans and two, protecting the high performance sports system.
 Accompanied by secretaries of Public Education, Josefina Vázquez Mota and Health, José Ángel Córdova Villalobos, as well as the Director General of the National Commission for Physical Culture and Sports, Carlos Hermosillo Goytortúa explained that in order to advance in these objectives, actions will be reinforced and coverage extended to the Get Active to Live Better Program. A program will be implemented to promote sport in schools throughout the Country and sports infrastructure will be expanded.
 On this point, the President said that a great deal remains to be done with the municipalities, state governments and Federal Government to expand sports infrastructure.
 He announced that the National System of Identification and Follow-Up of High Performance Sports will be created and that a program designed specifically to consolidate Paralympic sport will be implemented. As part of this effort, he reported that this year will mark the start of the construction of a new Paralympic High Performance Center in Zapopan, Jalisco, with an investment of 300 million pesos.
 In addition to this, a National System of Evaluation and Accountability of the National System of Physical Culture and Sports will be created, through which citizens will supervise and find out about the results of public sports institutions.
 President Felipe Calderón told the athletes present at the event:
 "Rest assured that Federal Government will do its part. We will do what we can to massify the practice of sport and pave the way for a new generation of Mexicans and world-class sportspersons. For this, we not only have the valuable assistance of the National Physical Culture and Sports Strategy, which has been presented today, but also, as I have said, an increased budget.
 He reported that of the $3.5 billion pesos to be spent on this, $1,750 million will be used to construct and rehabilitate sports structure, in other words, 10 times more than the amount invested in 2007. |

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