|  |  | Vallarta Living | January 2009  
School of Champions Begins New Year 2009
Arthur Fumerton - PVNN

| To learn more about any of the Children of the Dump's programs, visit ChildrenOfTheDump.org or contact Arthur Fumerton at ArthurEFumerton(at)yahoo.com. |  | Puerto Vallarta - The School of Champions began the new year on January 12th, just where it left off in December, with 250 eager students running to the front gate to be first in line to get to their classes.
 The children's enthusiasm to learn remains at the same extraordinarily high level. Their optimism never changes; they believe in their future. Our obligation is to continue to give them the opportunity to get the best education available so that their dreams become reality.
 As the 2009 school year continues our enrollment has not decreased as it has in the past. If anything, new students continue to show up at the front gate each day. This increased enrollment makes the completion of the two new classrooms even more important.
 We are looking for an additional $2500 USD to purchase a transformer, which is required to add the new classrooms and the dental clinic to the electrical grid at the school. We have been running at capacity even before we began the new construction.
 Once the transformer is purchased and up and running, we will complete the classrooms and shift some of the students from the already overloaded existing classes. We will also be able to add more grade 7 students, most of whom were in our program last year. We have recently added the additional teachers required to meet the increased enrollment.
 Located approximately two blocks from the entrance of the dump in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, the School of Champions offers after school classes in Math, Computer Literacy and English to Puerto Vallarta's disadvantaged youth.
 Please support the companies who support us:
 School of Champions 2008 Sponsors
• Cafe Roma • Vallarta Adventures • Punto Natural • Don Chonito • Sheraton Hotel • Coca Cola Company Vallarta • La Palapa Restaurant • El Dorado Restaurant • Center Church Calgary • Valley Ministries MMC • Sole Salvation • EMCO
 Thank you from all of the children — you are really making a difference in our lives.
The Children of the Dump was founded in 1998, originally as Feed the Children Vallarta. Through private donations, the program feeds more than 2,300 children daily, operates nine day care centers and an after-school program for grades 3 through 6; teaching them English, math and computers. The goal of the Children of the Dump is to ensure education through grade nine and to educate the children of Puerto Vallarta in the skills necessary to rise above poverty. To learn more about Children of the Dump's programs, click HERE. If you would like to volunteer or make a tax deductible donation, please visit ChildrenOfTheDump.org or contact Arthur Fumerton at ArthurEFumerton(at)yahoo.com. |

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