|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | February 2009  
Vallarta Hosts Democrats Abroad Mexico

| For more information, or to become a member of the Costa Banderas Chapter of Democrats Abroad Mexico, please visit DemocratsAbroad.org. |  | Democrats Abroad Mexico's Annual General Meeting will be held in Puerto Vallarta from March 7-9, 2009. Most events are open to the public.
 A weekend-long series of events are planned, including:
 • Informative panel discussions and documentary film screenings:
 Proposal for a Medicare accreditation and reimbursement Pilot Project for Mexican healthcare providers, to benefit U.S. seniors living in Mexico. An important announcement will be made at this conference;
 Panel discussion on U.S. – Mexico relations, focusing on topics of vital interest to Americans living in Mexico; to include immigration trends, bilateral trade and commerce, international taxation, border and security issues, census and overseas voting concerns.
 Screening and discussion of the documentary film Why We Fight (2005). The award-winning film has been described as a thoughtful and even-handed investigation into the rise and maintenance of the U.S. military-industrial complex and its 50-year involvement with wars led by the U.S., especially the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
 • Gala oceanfront dinner on the Sheraton Bugambilias Terrace;
 • Meeting to elect the new Democrats Abroad Mexico Executive Committee, who will serve for through 2011.
 All events are open to the public except the election meeting.
 Registration: Both Conferences and Film Screening: $250 pesos. Individual Conferences: $100 pesos each. Gala Oceanfront Dinner: $600 pesos, tax and tip included.
 Among confirmed speakers and panelists for these events:
 • Amy Isaacs, Director, Americans for Democratic Action (ADA). ADA, founded by Eleanor Roosevelt, economist John Kenneth Galbraith, and former Senator and Vice President Hubert Humphrey, is America's most experienced independent liberal lobbying organization with 65,000 members, and its headquarters in Washington, DC. ADA continues to lead in Washington and around the country by pushing the agenda of social and economic justice.
 • Dr. Ellen-Marie Whelan, PhD. Associate Director of Health Policy and Senior Health Policy Analyst, Center for American Progress (CAP). Former staff director for the Senate Subcommittee on Retirement and Aging, Dr Whelan holds a bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University, a master’s degree in Nursing and a doctorate in Nursing and Health Policy from the University of Pennsylvania and has completed a post-doctoral fellowship in Primary Care Policy at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.
 • Dr. Rodrigo García Verdú, PhD. Chief of Staff, Undersecretary of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Economy, Government of Mexico. Former economist with the World Bank Poverty Reduction and Economic management Unit of the Latin America & Caribbean Region. Dr. García holds an MA and PhD from the University of Chicago, and has been an adjunct professor and lecturer at several Mexican and U.S. universities.
 • Ana Maria Salazar Slack, widely recognized expert on Latin American international law and national security; Member of the Council on Foreign Relations; Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Drug Enforcement Policy, and Special Envoy for the Americas during the Clinton administration; recognized by Hispanic Business Magazine as one of the 100 most influential Hispanic Americans in the U.S.; frequent contributor to many news publications throughout the Americas; anchor of Imagen News, Mexico’s only nationwide daily radio news program in English; host of the television program Living in Mexico. J.D. from Harvard Law School.
 • Dr. Daniel Grippo, popular and animated lecturer on Mexican history and culture. He holds an MA in Latin American Studies and a PhD in Latin American History, has taught at several U.S. universities, and is a successful playwright, screenwriter, and editor.
 • Other invitees pending confirmation, including Rep. Charles García, (D-TX) U.S. House of Representatives; Dra. Rossana Fuentes-Berain; Amb. Jeffery Davidow, former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico; Terry O'Rourke, former U.S. Consul to Puerto Vallarta; and foreign news correspondents from the Associated Press, Reuters, and others.
 Agenda and Location:
 All events for this weekend will take place at the Sheraton Bugambilias Resort, Puerto Vallarta. SheratonVallarta.com.mx.
 Reserve via email at reserve(at)sheratonvallarta.com.mx
 or call (Toll Free in Mexico) 01-800-326-4600 or 01-322-226-0404 x 6638.
 Democrats Abroad has reserved a limited block of rooms at a special, reduced rate for the weekend for those attending from out-of-town. Contact the hotel directly and be sure to mention that you are with the Democrats Abroad Group.
 Saturday morning, March 7: Arrival and check in for visiting out-of-town members and guests.
 Saturday, March 7, 4:00 to 6:30 PM: Interactive Panel Discussion: U.S. – Mexico Relations. Sheraton Conference Center. Keynote Speaker, Dr. Rodrigo García Verdú. Moderator, Roberta Camhi.
 Saturday, March 7, 7:00 to 8:00 PM: Cocktail Reception, Oceanfront Terrace, Sheraton Bugambilias Resort.
 Saturday, March 7, 8:00 to 10:30 PM: Gala Welcome Dinner, featuring Keynote Speaker Ana Maria Salazar Slack. Oceanfront Terrace, Sheraton Bugambilias Resort. Italian theme menu, including vegetarian option.
 Sunday, March 8, 10:00 AM to 11:45 AM: Documentary Film Screening: Why We Fight 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM: Group discussion about the film and its concepts, led by Roberta Jensen. Sheraton Conference Center.
 Sunday, March 8, 3:00 to 5:30 PM: Panel discussion on Healthcare Issues and Medicare. Co-Keynote Speakers, Dr. Ellen-Marie Whelan and Amy Isaacs. Democrats Abroad will have a major announcement to make regarding this topic at the conference. Universal healthcare coverage for Americans will also be discussed. Paul Crist will moderate this conference.
 Monday, March 9, 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM: Democrats Abroad Mexico Annual General Meeting. Chaired by outgoing Chair Howard Feldstein, the election of new officers will take place at this meeting. Open only to registered members of Democrats Abroad. For more information about the Costa Banderas Chapter of Democrats Abroad, click HERE. For local assistance, contact Susan Wichterman at 044-322-303-5181 or mexicoms(at)hotmail.com or Paul Crist at 322-222-4793 or editor(at)mexicodemocrats.org. |

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