|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | March 2009  
Downtown Traffic has Gone Crazy due to Street Repairs
Tribuna de la Bahía

| As soon as street repairs in the downtown area are completed, the street patching program will move on to other parts of town where renovation is needed. |  | Puerto Vallarta - As a result of ongoing street repairs, Puerto Vallarta's downtown area has been choked with intense traffic, annoyed drivers and long lines of vehicles, mainly on Días Ordaz Avenue. According to Department of Public Services Director, Mario Alberto Bueno Trujillo, the good news is that the repairs should be completed by the end of the week.
 Bueno Trujillo explained that these projects are part of the street patching program that gets done every year as a preventive measure before the Semana Santa Holydays and the upcoming rainy season. This program was planned to last only for three days in order to return access to the downtown area to all visitors driving through town.
 The decision to work Monday to Wednesday was made in order to avoid chaos over the weekend when the inflow of vehicles is greater. Local Traffic Police units have been assisting the area so the traffic congestion during the peak hours of the day would not get too heavy.
 Capt. Sergio Dávila Aguirre, Sub Director of the Traffic Police Department announced that, according to the Public Services Department filings, these streets were to be closed only for three days, two of them to do all the work and the last one to wait for the concrete to dry. Realizing that this avenue would be closed, the decision was made to make Morelos street a two way street to avoid further disruption.
 In order to finish the project on schedule, three shifts of laborers have been working on a daily basis.
 As soon as the projects in the downtown area are completed, the street patching program will move on to other parts of town where renovation is needed, such as 5 de Diciémbre and some streets in the Emiliano Zápata Area.
 Translated by Salvador Murguía for PVNN |

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